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Triumvirate Lords Of The Third Dimension

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I have alwasy found the Walkmesh to be, what is that charming human expression, "Fly in the sun lotion?" (Sorry, Mass Effect does that to me)


Welding verts works for me too, but I often find you can get the same effect by adding geometry, that is how i added a ramp from the lower floor to the upper floor. Connecting the dots sort of thing. It still sucks though, make no mistake, it sucks.


SS - Sent you an email with the Blueprints, Nevemind the stupid obnoxious signature, it is programed in there :).



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I just use the Line tool thingy in Max and go about redrawing the main shape, then do an extrude, convert the whole thing to poly, go about creating some missing planes, convert again to Mesh and hope its works :lol:


I'll try SS's method, seems to be shorter and I think it might have more succes.

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I often use the line, extrued, and I convert it to a pro boolean, make a copy of all my floor pieces, click on select operands, and choose all of my cloned floor peices. Then I take the floor polygon(s), and detach them to an object, delete the old boolean, convert to editable mesh, and you've got a walkmesh. Maybe I should write a tutorial... :xp:

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Looks good settoken, I'll try it out later, I'm kinda busy ATM. When I say ATM, I mean kinda for the next couple of weeks/years. :xp: Hopefully a KAurora exported head will work, sometimes the game crashes with guns and stuff from KAurora.


@Quanon- I'm glad it worked out for you. Remember when I made the walkmesh for the Sleheyron Gladiator Arena before my computer crashed? I that's what I did there, and it turned out wonderfully.

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Kaurora can't handle the animation part for every 3D thingy; so thats weapons, helmets and all the other gizmo's.


Though it all depends somewhat.


Lets hope Settokens tip helps MagnusII greattly, so we can have a ultimate 3D compiling tool.

Allthough I couldn't make out much of that Hex code?

You need to copy that from an old file and paste it into your new model file?

Or is it completely differant ?

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Silveredge has asked me to work on a new area for his upcoming BoS: Solomon's Revenge. I would give you more details, but I'm not sure that he would want me to. I'll post some screenshots as soon as I work on it a bit. I'll also post some more screens of the arena, but I'm postponing that until DarthRevan243 gets unbanned.


Also, I have re-started Sleheyron, and I'm working on a landing module, which should be done fairly soon. I'll post screenshots when I have something tangible.


Another quick question/comment, has anyone found any leads as to how to make the cameras move along the walls, and not through them?


BTW, we now are tied for the most posts! And, we still have the most pics!

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Sweet. Doc, what do you do for lighting? I've been using AuroraDLights, but I've finally seen the light (:xp:) and switched to using the trimesh controllers. But I still don't know how you do the neon. My computer won't display some of the stuff, like the beaming lights and Sith silver uniform, but I'd still like to know how to do it.

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There are basically two ways to do the neon that you saw, I use both in the Malkazi Temple.


1. One way to do it is through the Trimesh options, by setting the glow to whatever color/intencity you want from the modifier drop down list. I use this for most of the lights in the module (Floor lights, big strange wall sconces, and small detail)


2. The other way is to use the Alpha channel of the TGA and set the txi to say "envmaptexture CM_Bright" ( I used this for the door) (Also, just for information, if you use the TGA method and want a certain color in the glow, by this i mean the Frame Buffer Effect, then you have to make your own CM_Bright texture, Just copy the original and go over it in any color you choose.)


Thats the way I do it anyway :)



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Looking really fantastic Doc !

And thanks for the tip on those .txi effects. I tried the CM_Bright before, but it always turned out blue :p, had no idea you could edit the color that easliy.


@SS: Have fun on Silvers Area !

And no, I have no idea what should stop those cameras...

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I started working on Sleheyron again yesterday. I've added emitters around the Ebon Hawk, those were really time consuming, and I'm very proud of them. Also, I figured out how to make your walkmesh to where the character will move smoothly along it and not 'stick' to the edges. You select all the edges on the walkmesh that are on the outside/holes in the middle of the walkmesh. Then, you hit extude to about 200 cm, and select all the polygons that you just made. Change them to nonwalk (#7) and then your character moves along the edges a whole lot better.

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Yeah, I used six Aurora Emitters. You have to have the KAurora v.3 pre release to do them, if you don't have it I'll email it to you. For the emitters to work, I looked at an emitter from in-game, the Ebon Hawk ones, and copied all the attributes from one to the other, six times. I didn't copy the position, obviously, but I did copy the oreintation so they'd look the same. I'm just getting started with emitters, but soon we'll be able to create all kinds of special effects.

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I've noticed that each of us has a different issue with exporting area models for Kotor. I noticed that some of you have problems with the built in Self-Illumination feature, which I do not have, so I figured you guys might not have a certain problem that I have. It is really strange and sucks a lot of time out of my module building.


Anyways, I find that whenever I rotate an object in Max and export it into the game, the game totally screws it up and the model turns out really strange looking. I have tried ResetXForm to fix it but that does nothing. The only workaround I have had so far is to make a box, turn it into an Editable Mesh, then attach all my objects to it, then detach them again. This gives them all the rotation of the box, which is 0 0 0, but the objects are facing the direction I want.


Does anyone else have this problem?



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I've actually had a problem like this one time, but I could never fix it. Try hitting Trimesh & ResetXForm. I'm not sure that it will fix it, but every time I move/rotate/scale an object, I hit both. I don't have any apparent problems, it seems to work just fine.

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Hey sithspecter, could you give me some info on what properties of the emitters we are able to use? By that I mean which options in max can we set. (IE: can we set the Fountiain, Single, Explosion, Lightning stats?) It would be just freaking awesome I could get some electrical effects going.

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