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Triumvirate Lords Of The Third Dimension

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I dug up my Wacom, Digital pen thingy and had fun afternoon, creating this beauty.



She's based on Kit Fisto, Nautelon spieces or something along those lines.

I got another bunch of drawings ready for coloring, but what you guys think :)

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Hey guys ! I'll stir the nest up a bit. Been modelling on this Spinosaurus ( yeah, gots nothing to do with Kotor or TSL, but hey ;) )




Still requires tons of work, like legs, its clawed... eh hands, the beak neats details at the inside and so on.

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I've done more work on it. The arms and his clawed "hands" where a real pain, mainly cause I putted his Tumb on the outside... argh... redo... not fun :s


Its legs where next, just needs 3 toes instead of one :)

I'll load up some Pics soon, I promise ;)

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Yargh more pictures :lol:

I almost finished the modelling, the beast just needs his teeth, but all its other parts are there, big sail, big clawed feet and some big arms, to rip and tear apart :p




Thats a quick test on the texture thingy, just to see how it changes.

It always amazes me, how darn well texture influence a model.


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I was playing around with emitters this morning when I came up with this:



I was like, "Fireworks!" It's not really what I was intending to make, it just happened. I was experimenting around to try to make a decent rain emitter, but I didn't set this one to spread enough. Also, I think I found a KAurora bug...

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I guess I'll just have to write a tuto. Mainly I just did that by importing the spark emitter and adjusting all the values. There's a problem with the oreintation at the moment. I can't change the way the emitters are facing without the whole thing screwing up.

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