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Triumvirate Lords Of The Third Dimension

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Well fun ideas often just pop-up when one least expect it. Its funny, but I get a better feeling I'll see this one finished.


Though its all very early crap, so don't expect a WIP thread. Seems those just kill projects even before they've lifted of.

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lol thats because he's on a platform high-up looking down.


The sizes workout, but the textures are annoying again.... looks like it might be better to first convert polys to Mesh and then do the UVW-mapping.... I'm such an idiot x(

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Well the damage was less then I thought.

Though I've ran into a new problem, seems like the game has a sort of maximum polys per room for an area.


I'm at 6 rooms now and it'll end at I think 8. TSL just keeps crashing when I try to put more in my last rooms...


Oh and great update on the Sleheyron street

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Well the whole model + walkmesh has this:


34 113 polys

35 551 Tris

101 971 Edges

23 418 Verts


I"ve cut the whole thing up in about 11 rooms: 10 rooms for the model meshes and 1 for the walkmesh.


Walkmesh I now have is just 342 Polys and 320 Verts.


Though I had once a Walkmesh wich my PC just didn't want to compute... Max ran out of memory...


The mighty 32.000 is just far to big, thats why I got the 10 rooms, its not nicely spread, one room as 12.000 IIRC, most other are about 6000, it all depended as some of them made the game crash.


It was a bit of trial and error. I think a save number would be 6000 a piece/room, do mind it does take a little longer to load :p


Have we invited Vosh ?

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Wow, that's kinda large. I think I'm going to have to do the same thing for the Sleheyron streets, but I may split it up into say, 15,000 poly sections. I share your pain with the walkmeshes, they just hate us. I think the max is like 500 polies per walkmesh, and I you want to do sides, it's really tough.


I did invite svosh, but he didn't accept. :( Maybe if you sent him a PM or something he might.

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M'yeah its a heavy lad :lol:

I did add loads of crates, some vehicle thingys and such, it goes up real fast.

Still its these little details that make it nice to walk around in.


To bad Vosh didn't want to join up, oh well, I won't bother him its not that this is the most active part of LF anyway.


... wonders what happened to our other mates...

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Hmmz, having second thoughts on my Lava planet deal, perhaps I should go for tropical ocean thingy.


Bad thing is I can't do the grass like it is Kotor/ TSL.

Tried it before by copy-ing numbers from other .are files ( Dxun stuff), but no grass whatsoever appears... :(

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Hmmmz the walkmesh was green, but I haven't checked the actuall ASCII code, IIRC in there its like always DIRT...


And I ran into another weird thing, the minute I use like Metal and Dirt on the Walkmesh its broken... characters can't move on it...

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