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Drunken Time Travelers of StarWarsKNights.com

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*Evil Chev grabs ahold of both of the TARDIS's with one hand each and shakes the CQ's out of them*


Chev: What the *Censored?!*


Evil Chev: As you can see I have become much stronger thanks to my partner over here...*Points at the Alternate Evil Chev*


*Evil Chev grabs both CQs by their throats, crushes their weapons, breaks their wrists, and begins to choke the two of them*


If I can't kill the others, i'll settle for you two.


*Chev slams into Evil Chev and forces her to let go of the two CQ's*


You battle is with me.


Do you really have a deathwish fool?


*The two Chev's charge one another*

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You let go of them.

*nanosuit turns crimson red. In the helmet, the deep voice announces "Maximum Strength"*

*trigger rams right into Alternate Evil Chev, breaking her (?) arm*

*evil chev notices trigger*

"Covert Mode." the deep voice announces, and trigger disappears.

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*Evil Chev grabs Chev and throws her off*


Now to deal with the pest...


*Evil Chev listens for Trigger's breathing and locates him*


*Evil Chev grabs Trigger and breaks both of his arms, she then moves onto both of his legs and snaps them*


You are a bit stronger then both of the CQ's but still no match for me!


*Evil Chev tears off his nano suit and crushes it with her bare hands until only dust remains*


Time to die


*Evil Chev grabs Trigger and throws him at high speed into a boulder, Trigger crumples to the ground*




*Both Chev slam into Evil Chev and send her flying up into the air*


Chev and Alternate Chev: DIE!!!!


*They both fire at Evil Chev but she somehow sends the blasts back at them*

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*when the signal from the suit failed, a heavy VTOL swooped down to deal with the threat. The VTOL launches several missles at Evil Chev. The VTOL also picks up Trigger, which takes him to some random place to get patched up and get a new suit.*

*Trigger returns to the battle. "Maximum Armor" is heard inside the helmet. From the VTOL, Trigger jumps down with a SCAR (rifle) and blasts the Evil Chevs. The new suit protects Trigger from harm.*

"Maximum Strength"

*trigger grabs Evil Chev by the throat, crushing the life out of her.*

We have a score to settle.

*Trigger slams Evil Chev into a wall with extreme power, breaking both of her legs. As evil chev falls to the ground, Trigger begins shooting the Alternate Evil Chev with the SCAR.*


CQ, get into your nanosuit, and help me here!

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*Evil Chev begins to glow gold*


Evil Chev: Chaos mod, online, Bad Wolf abilities are online


*Evil Chev touches trigger and his duplicate and they both disintegrate *


Chev and Alternate Chev: Holy *Censored!!*


*Evil Chev walks toward them with a mad look in her eyes*


Chev: Retreat! Retreat I say! I don't see anyway to fight that, we have to regroup and come up with a strategy!


*Chev grabs both Yar-El's Both Alkonium's and begins to Dematerialize, Alternate Chev grabs both CQ's and begins to dematerialize*

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Chev: I don't think she stared into it, I think she managed to absorb the abilities but not the power of the time vortex itself, don't ask me how but I think she managed to pull it off. She is quite clever


*Both Chev's dematerialize, then rematerialize in HQ*


Chev: Great. Now she's even crazier then she used to be and she has the power to kill us with a single touch. I'd kill Trigger if he wasn't already dead, All we had to do was a quick, clean kill, but no...mister MAXIMUM STRENGTH had to hurt her...


Now I have to think up a new plan...and I have to think of a way to bring that trigger happy idiot back...along with his trigger happy duplicate

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I sure am glad I decided to send in some rookie who looks like me to fight them.

And I'm pretty sure that at least one of the evil chevs would be dead. we blasted them with missiles, choked them, riped arms off, blasted them with a powerful assault rifle, broke various bones, etc.

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*This was written Three weeks before the battle that resulted in Chev's death*


* The following is the last will of Chev*


Dear friends...if you are reading this, then I am now dead. First off, I want to be launched into space and time when I die, just drop me off in the Time Vortex and let the vortex carry me wherever it goes.


In the likely event that Trigger killed me, take him out or Exile him at the end of the universe, either one works for me.


I don't want you all to cry, I want you all to remember the good times we've had together. Remember the times we've fought the evil gizka, the times we battled evil chev, the time Yar-El brought all the eggnog and Alkonium ended up trying to kiss everyone.


I wish to be thrown into the time vortex with every El Goonish Shive comic strip ever created, that is my final wish.



CQ, I leave you my weapons collection. Take good care of it


Yar-El, I leave you my collection of exotic beers. Don't waste them all in one drunken night of drinking, savor them, and keep collecting beer for me


Alkonium...I leave you all my research on time travel along with my TARDIS, I think you can use it in more ways then i ever could



Bye Bye!

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I didn't cause your death. Besides, me and CQ(s) have weapons that can be considered WMDs (Guass Rifle (shoots high powered magnets that increases your body to near light speed, basically tearing your organs apart), TAC (mini nuke launcher), PAX (Plasma Acceleration Cannon; not sure how it works, but it kills things), MOAC (Alien gun that freezes and condenses the moisture in the nearby air into icicles, very sharp ones at that, very good projectiles) , MOAR (A MOAC attachment; steady stream of ice. Think of it as MOAR ice. :p) and all out 1337 cars and ships and stuff) so we don't really need more guns, and finally, they are already dead...

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*Alternate Alkonium leads the other alternates into her TARDIS*

F:*tears in her eyes over Chev's death* I guess this is goodbye.

M: I suppose it is. It was nice knowing me. Until we meet again.

*Alternate Alkonium enters her TARDIS, and it dematerialises.*

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*drags TriggerGod into his TARDIS and sets course for Malcassairo in 100,000,000,000 CE.*

It's nothing personal, I'm just honouring Chev's last wishes. And even if you have no intention of honouring her will yourself, this can of paint it a great way to end your misery.

*kicks TriggerGod out of the TARDIS, leaving a can of hot pink paint behind as well and the TARDIS dematerialises.*

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