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The Weequays that they have in the series. They are supposed to have a unique, guttural, almost metallic sound, but in the series they get stuck with human voices. I also hate that this stuff pushed some of Karen Traviss' stuff out of canon.:mad:

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In that show they make it so the good guys always win. Can anyone think of one episode where they actually lose? In the Rookies episode what use are commando droids if they are defeated by a bunch of rookie clones? That show really is pushing all the Republic Commando stuff out of canon, just look at this http://karentraviss.typepad.com/blog/2009/08/end-of-one-era-start-of-another.html. Also in that show they make the clones seem helpless and that they can't do anything without the Jedi. They make every episode so where all the clones die and only the Jedi are left. Everything is always about the Jedi of course. Figures. If commandos and Arcs were in the show they would probably ruin them too and make it so they die easily. I could go on all day about stuff like this from that show but this is what I have for now.

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