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Merch (official or inspired)


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In my quest for something specific (an image of the official MI sweatshirt mentioned here ), I accidentally stumbled upon this monstrosity and you are the only folks I know that will understand how much I don't like it. Here's the image for those who don't want to view the link:




I'm definitely not a fan of whatever this is.


So instead - Let's take the opportunity to see ACTUAL cool Mojo-related merch.


Post your pics or links.



P.S. @Jake did you actually get one of those official sweatshirts? Can we see a pic if you still have it?

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If we're talking about clothing, the only Lucas-related thing I have is a brown version of this t-shirt:




it's not official, but I'm pretty happy with it. I'm actually surprised how often complete strangers comment on it - or at least they did before the world closed down.


Apart from this I have most of the goodie bags that came with the early Telltale dvd releases, the Sam & Max comic collection rerelease that Jake worked on, and that big Tales of Monkey Island beer mug. I also have the various graphic novels/artbooks that were sold on the Double Fine website, including the Costume Quest comic and card game that I won in a poetry contest, of all things. 


Sorry for being lazy and not posting my own pictures, but I think Jennifer and others have already posted pictures of most of this stuff in another thread (including some merch that I missed out on). Sadly, my mother gave away all my Lucasarts big boxes after I moved out for university. I still haven't forgiven her for that one.


Oh yeah, only semi-related perhaps, but around the time of Puzzle Agent I ordered some Grickle comics from Graham Annable's website, and as a very cool surprise he drew some fun little doodles on the packaging and inside covers of the books. I'll definitely add a picture of this later, because it's very cool and this forum might just contain the audience to appreciate how cool it actually is.

Edited by AlfredJ
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Nice! That shirt is really fun! I definitely feel you on having lost things in various moves. Most of my favourite swag is gone after moving 7 times in 10 years.

Looking forward to seeing those sketches!


I tried to look back and see if there was an old thread and all I saw was one where people mentioned these things...I can do another scan later and link it here.


I didn't want to add this to the actual LEC collection thread - since I feel like a bunch of the stuff people might have are unofficial items.

Also, maybe someone can refresh my memory...did Mojo ever have a store? 

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