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Monkey Island Heardle - iMUSE yourself


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I couldn't name today's (Feb 5, 2025) Monkey Island tune!



I figured it had to be from that game. But some pieces are played only once, so they are extra hard to remember if you only played it once. Unfortunately these are the more catchy and original tunes (as in not rehashed themes from earlier games).

I do remember the bit where you go up the castle being really good too.



Comparing it to the full soundtrack, the last bit is missing.


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I guessed today's (Feb 8, 2025) Monkey Island tune 🎵 in 1 try.



I’m glad it wasn’t that other tune from escape that starts with a similar drum, only a bit lower pitched and slower. Because I have no idea what that one is called.


Edited by SushiStrikesBack
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