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Random mission generator?


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I don't know. It will definitely be a feature in Soldier of Fortune II:


From the recent <A HREF="http://www.trenches.org/features/action/sof2/story0_1.shtml">interview</A> on <A HREF="http://www.trenches.org">Trenches.org</A> with Raven's John Scott:

<STRONG>[john] The three major things we are adding to Sof2 are (a) riding shotgun in vehicles (such as a helicopter), (b) huge terrain based levels and © a random mission generator. Admittedly, some of these have been done in other games but never all together.</STRONG>


As to exactly how it works, I'm not sure. Does anyone else know?

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well, this is just my guess, but i assume it would either be side-missions or each level would be generated. i suppose that there would be a bunch of set paramaters for each possible level, so then the game would randomly pick some of the mission details, and place them on the map. if it generated the ingame missions, i would assume that all the maps would be planned already, but if they were side, or historical, missions, then they might impliment some sort of map generator, but that would be some system that could randomly generate maps...


again, this is all just speculation.

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Randomly generating maps has been done for other games. I'm not sure about 3d games though. I think the hardest part would be to make the randomly generated maps look good. If it's an open landscape you're in (like Delta Force), I don't think it would be that hard. Just randomly generate hills, put some small buildings, trees and bushes on it and you're ready. Randomly generating complex buildings would be harder I think.

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UT supported random item generation. Level designer could randomize the item spawning if they wished.


There was a random map maker for quake2 and half life. Not sure how good the maps were that came out of those programs.

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