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"Jedi Knight II is going to kick ass."

Guest Jeff Walters

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Originally posted by Wilhuf:

<STRONG>The mo-cap animations in tribes1 and 2 were pretty impressive and I wouldn't call them a waste of time.</STRONG>


Yes, I know. From what I remember, the gist of the argument was not that they looked bad, it was just that doing the animations manually gave them a lot more "hands-on" control.

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Guest Krayt Tion

The purpose of that sentence in the IGNPC follow up preview was clearly to mention what weapons that we used in JK that we would get to use again. It is a pretty glaring oversight, maybe I should email them.

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Motion Capture Animations-New Saber Control System-Acrobatics-Acurate Blocking-Body Specific Hits-Weapon Based Puzzle Elements...." Show me to bathroom, I just shiat my pants".. :eek:


" I have a crap on deck that could choke a donkey"....Fat Bastard APTPWSM

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I liked the info the preview gave and hope it all gets into the game.

Also I doubt JK2 will do an Obi-Wan on us because the Jedi Knight franchise was strictly PC except for Dark Forces.


P.S. What is motion capture.



[ July 30, 2001: Message edited by: C.H.A.S. ]

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yeah im really gonna enjoy slicing a few ewoks up!

damn those Ewoks.... damn them to HELL!!!

im gonna amputate each of their limbs.

i want to take their faces....... OFF!!!


yum :p



just a little hungry and getting tired

and no im not serious

i dont really enjoy eating little fury ewoks ..... but i must. :D

enough of this crap

im going to sleep


and no im not crazy

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C.H.A.S..... Motion capture is a way of getting high quality animations based on the way things move in real life...basically, the people doing the motion capture attach little glowy balls to specific spots on a stunt actor, then they record that actor performing different moves. Next, they have a computer track the motion of the balls on a computer and build a realistic representation of that stunt/whatever. Finally, they take this motion captured data and apply it to a character in the game. Voila..the animation looks very realistic.


So, that's more or less how it works.


[ July 30, 2001: Message edited by: Rancor ]

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Thank you. I got lost whenever somebody mentioned it. Anyway that sounds cool and I sure hopes it gets in JK2.


Oh I remember hearing about that at a computer show. Duh!


One more thing what does EU or UE or whatever stand for.


Thanks Again



Yes looking back I did see the lightsaber being droped but something like that they'll probably have a toggle for in options.


[ July 30, 2001: Message edited by: C.H.A.S. ]

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Yea, i hope we get to play luke, like the special level in MOTS. I hope there is a way of unlocking the level like when you complete the game or something...or maybe by finding all the secrets.


Originally posted by nykel:

<STRONG>Did anyone notice? but in the E3 clip kyle's opponent drops her l.saber. I hope this doesn't happen in the real game, it could be quite annoying.</STRONG>


What do you mean....drops??

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Madposter, do you think you can edit your posts rather than post twice in such a short space of time?


Could you shrink the sig slightly please also? I have asked everyone else, and you're next!





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