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Guest Hannibal

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For those of you wondering, a disruptor (in the Star Wars universe at least) is a highly powerful weapon that I'm assuming would need a lot of power cells to use per shot. However, it is incredibly powerful (similar to the vaporize function on a phaser in Star Trek). If I'm not mistaken, it is also highly illegal. ;)


EDIT: Spelling


[ September 15, 2001: Message edited by: Moses ]

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Hello people!


I long for this game very, very much, but some of this new information has got me thinking. The lightsabre use seem -exactly- like it was in Jedi Knight; you move from to one side and swing and it does a sidestep swing. I was hoping they would have done something.. I don't know.. new?


And the Flechette gun, or however it's spelled, doesn't seem very... Star Wars-ish. :/


Hmm, well, as long as the lightsabre fights are good, heh.

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Hm...from what I've read on disruptors it didn't seem to be very area effective. What I mean is, I don't think it will destroy, say, everything in the room like the BFG in doom :) but if there were 2 or 3 stormies standing together I could see taking them all out in one shot.

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Well how about that, we were discussing the Flechette launcher over on the old saber topic and it turns out there is going to be something like that. Who'd have thought. Sounds like it could be a very fun weapon, thoughts turn to MP straight away as an anti-Jedi weapon, but also imagine unleashing that on an unsuspecting Stormtrooper in SP. :) The disrupter also sounds promising. Perhaps the conk's replacement? I hope it isnt a BFG thought, something less armageddon-ish and less ammo intensive would be better, then its not just a gimmicky weapon. Sounds like that issue is a must have.

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I remember the disrupter from SOTE. There were only a handful of disrupter ammo cells (one cell per fire) scattered through out the entire game.I would always save mine for the final boss. Heck, the few places safe to use one was in the huge area that gaint gladiator droid was in.


As I remember, once you fired it, it was a small slow moving ball, but if it hit something or reached a certain range it exploded, annihilating everything. The blast radius could more then fill a hanger.


The disrupter in SOTE was much more powerfull then a Q3 BGF, more on the scale of a redeemer in UT.


I truely hope that it will be toned down, more along the lines of a JK conc rifle/Q3 BFG then a UT redeemer.

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Guest Hannibal

Glad to see others got it too. This is my first time back on since yesterday. It's funny that the article is written by Kyle Katarn and told as if he's finally satisfied with the way his story will be told.


My favorite screenshot is the one where he's looking up in the airshaft in Bespin(also the force lightning screen).

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"Flechette (similar to a nailgun, it fires a high-speed stream of tiny knives)."


Am I just reading that sentance incorrectly or does it not sound like the Flechette launcher we talked about previously. On second reading this doesnt sound like the scattering shot gun spread type weapon (could that have had more descriptive words) that was in Vag's column. It sounds like a repeater with knives instead of energy. "Stream" sounds like they follow each other in a single line of fire.

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Guest Krayt Tion

Perhaps in my eagerness to find major similarities between the Flechettes I rejoiced too soon.


For starters let me just clear up that fire from the FC1 Flechette Launcher would indeed be difficult for a Jedi to block. It is not a single projectile but hundreds spread over a semi-large area that is likely to blanket any saberists. The saberist only has the surface area of his saber to block with; as the saber blocks some of flechettes others would pass by the saber into the saberist.


Upon further examination the wording of the Flechette description does indicate something different from the FC1 as Syndrix has mentioned.


"Stream" sounds to me like something that steadily flows out. It would seem to me that the steady flow of knife-like projectiles over a large target area would be a bit unbalanced. Not to mention that the amount of ammo need to produce such a steady stream over a large area does not seem very feasible or believable to me. It is pretty clear that the FC1 fires in bursts and it would be my guess now that the JK2 Flechette launcher does not as it has a steady flow; thus, the impact area of the JK2 Flechette Launcher might be a lot narrower or more focused.


Perhaps it will not be as good an anti-jedi weapon as I at least thought.


Good point.


[ September 15, 2001: Message edited by: Krayt Tion ]

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All of it sounds pretty cool. Perhaps the disruptor will be more like a rifle style weapon. Slow load time, high damage, hitscan? More along the lines of a Q2 rail-gun for instance?


So JKO will have two machinegun style weapons. Fun stuff. Hopefully they will be potent.


Now presumably both gunners and saberists can both push incoming thermals out of the way. Presumably. Advantage: gunner. The gunner can both fire ranged projectiles and push thermals. The saberist can only hope to try to close range and push thermals.


I really want to know what kinds of teamplay modes will be available. Great to hear there is some emphasis on different team modes.


The models and skins look great in the article. I like the Rodians and the Three-eyed guys (Ree-eyes?)).

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Honestly, you guys try to carry this logic thing way to far. Star wars is science-FICTION, as in not real. We all know reality tends to go out the window for sake of story in movies and games. Trying to reason things like speed of blasters in SWs is more then a little stupid. It's almost as bad as all ST tech manuals and klingon language.


Understand that when it gets down to it, it's a game. So worry about the gameplay and not about things that don't exist anyway. Making the whole arguement even more pointless is that you really don't have any say in it. Raven is gonna make the game more or less how LEC wants it to be made.


Chill out on this useless dicussion and wait for more info or the game to come out. If you don't like the way it is, you can prolly mod it to your liking.


I think may of us would rather see cold hard facts from the mag on this thread then another useless argument.

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Those pics look great. If they are any indication it looks as if at least GRAPHICALLY the JK2 team is going out of their way to give it the look that we'd expect for the next game in the series (right down to the phallic bryar pistol).


Now what I hope is that they can take this same attention to detail to capture that same wonderful "feel" in terms of gameplay (both single and multiplayer) as well.


I mean it looks great, I just don't want to feel like I'm playing Quake3 with SW skins.

; )


That description of the Flechette gun sounds like the weapon from the original Unreal that had a machine gun type firing rate of Tyridium shards.


The weapon I envisioned was something more along the lines of the Ripper from UT (with the secondary fire explosion kicking out razor shrapnel). Or perhaps it could be closer to the Flak Cannon. It's been awhile since I read Vag's column on the subject or read the book on it.


Whether or not it sounds "Star Warsish" or not, it IS part of the SW EU, so it would be appropriate.




[ September 15, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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