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What age is Kyle ?


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Does anybody know what age Kyle is, cause if this ones is set 10 years later i think he'll be getting on a bit, He looked quite old in JK, i know theres be old Jedi' before ( or sith ),


Mabey its just his beard, also i hope you can get other costumes as you go through the game, like stormtrooper kyle,




Scott :D

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If Kyle was around 20 in Dark Forces (around the time of the film A New Hope), and Jedi Outcast is set approximately 14 years post-ANH, then Kyle should be in his mid-30's.


I too would like to see some changes of clothing for Kyle's character to suit the different environments. It is certainly something the central characters in the movies did during the course of each film, so it would be a nice touch, both for 3rd-person view and for in-engine cut scenes.


I think it would also be good to have another level where you can don a disguise, a la MotS. It would certainly vary the gameplay.


[ August 19, 2001: Message edited by: StormHammer ]

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the one thing that linked the sith together were that they all dressed in black, but a kyle that changed costume would be cool, and what would be even cooler would be a commandoes like thing were if you were in stormtrooper armour (and a helmet) all the other stormies would think that you are one of then until they see you do something... unimperial? but yer costumes changes would be great.


[ August 19, 2001: Message edited by: Access_fluX ]

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Would dressing like a Sith do much good? I mean, maybe if you were going up against a few stormies you could sneak past, but that doesn't really seem worth it. A sith would know who you are through the Force, and (at least in all the screenshots, and I know we've talked about this before) the DJ in this game is a dude with a ponytail who doesn't have the same clothes as say, Darth Maul. If Darth Maul walked into this base the stormies would probably shoot him too, so I don't quite know what good clothing of that nature would do. Maybe a stormie suit or something. That was done in ANH, but I don't think it would be too cheap to pull it off in the game too. :)

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Originally posted by StormHammer:


I too would like to see some changes of clothing for Kyle's character to suit the different environments. It is certainly something the central characters in the movies did during the course of each film, so it would be a nice touch, both for 3rd-person view and for in-engine cut scenes.




like lara croft style?



hrmmmmm kyle in short pants and a tight green muscle shirt? :)


or a tight wetsuit?


no? ok

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Originally posted by GonkH8er:




like lara croft style?



hrmmmmm kyle in short pants and a tight green muscle shirt? :)


or a tight wetsuit?


no? ok</STRONG>




I was thinking more along the lines of snow gear, or some darker clothing for night-time, as well as some kind of disguise as some others have suggested. I mean, with the new Jedi Confuse and Jedi Knock force powers, there is more scope for players who want to sneak around a bit more.


Anyway, what does it matter about Kyle's age? Qui-Gon was doing okay in his 60s, and old Obi-Wan was no slouch. I mean, there's plenty of scope to continue this Jedi Knight series of games, isn't there?


How about Jedi Knight 20 - the epic saga of Geriatric Kyle, with his Force-powered walking-cane lightsabre? You could even introduce some new force powers like Force Sneer, Force Fart and Force Pee to strike terror into the ranks of your enemies. ;)

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Qui-Gon was in his 60s? Wow he looked like he was only in his 50s at oldest in (The Attack of) The Phantom Menace.

Do not underestimate the power of Geritol.


Kyle going gray at age 38? He'd better get in touch with the Hairclub for Men.

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Guest Kurgan

My theory is that either:


1) Kyle is trying to appeal to the older Star Wars fans (those who were twenty-something's in '77).


2) Kyle got gray because of his ordeal in the valley (recall he has the grays in MotS too). Strain and such will do that to a person...



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Uhh, his hairs grey cause, he's uhh old? :rolleyes: Also the older a jedi is the wiser and stronger, maybe a bit lower stamina, but the force is what helps them move faster than normal old guys, force and the life of a jedi.( you know eating good foods, staying in shape, not to mention the enhancements of the force ) So i say the older the stronger. Btw qui-gon was in his late 50's early 60's, the only reason why he looked so young was cause he was played by a way younger actor :p ( and all jedi seem to look young in there old age 40 - 60 ) hell how old was obiwan in ANH 80?(quick estimate), looked like normal 60 year olds.

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