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What maps from JK1 would you want remade?


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So, it appears that while folks from Raven do occasionally post, they don't generally lead any discussions. I guess that leaves it up to us to volunteer whatever information can be provided.


There's been some interesting conversations on lightsaber moves, force powers, game types, etc, but I was wondering what maps from Jedi Knight 1 (and Mysteries of the Sith) people want to see remade into JK2 maps. I played the hell out of JK single player, but didn't get any real netplay in, so I'm personally not too familiar with them myself... The reason I ask is not just to get people talking, but I personally think it would be fun to recreate some of the favorite JK1 maps if Raven didn't do so. But of course if Raven reads this thread and puts all the favorites into JK2, it would make people happy and save me some work to boot. :)


Apologies if this topic has been posted already.

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They probably have spaceports, smugglers dens etc anyway. That is what will be fun about multiplayer. Like in ST:V EF, that had all the locations of Star Trek. SO JK2 will probably have all the main locations of Star Wars, but better.


I think it would be real cool to fight in a smugglers den full of traps etc

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Yeah, I don't want to be denied anything new, but if there is even one favorite JK1 map that could be recreated with a massive update, I'd love to see it (or make it).


Any other Dark Forces maps to mention? There were never any multiplayer ones of course, but some of those rocked too.

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Well, I would say don't remake any of the old levels - but I think I agree with Bart that some of the original Dark Forces SP maps would make some interesting conversions to MP - with some redesign.


As for the rest, I'd like to see...


1. A ship-to-ship boarding level in space - which could fit nicely into a CTF context. It could be Empire vs Rebel over secret plans, or two pirate teams out to steal each other's loot.


2. An underwater city/installation level - maybe Otoh Gunga revisited?


3. A level with lots of ice - maybe an assault-type level re-enacting part of the battle of Hoth. And I mean slippery ice. ;)


4. Maybe...just maybe...a Sulon farmstead level, with Kyle's team trying to take back his old home, while a Tusken team defends. It could even be done in a CTF context if Kyle's team had a large enough ship as a base, parked not too far away. If the farmstead team wins they keep the ship, if the ship team wins, they keep the farm.

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I say none from JK. Leave that to the modmakers.


However I think Jabba's Palace, Homestead, Throne Room,Cloud City/Gantry should be included, but remade more like the movies. I think they should focus on actual locations. Those levels were my favs cause when I was in them, it felt closer to home.


With the new engine they can make these levels look phenomenal.


That's not to say I don't want some new ones. (Jabba's Sail Barge, Theed/Generator, Ewok Village, and a ton more I can think of.)

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I would rather the converted JK/MotS/DF1 maps be a sort of unofficial/unsupported free addon released later, done by the team of course, or as a patch later.


I'm more concerned that they focus on making great original levels right off the bat. That stuff would be cool, but it's less important to me than brand new stuff. A kind of "best of" collection... as a reward for those who got the game.



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Originally posted by Fruitloop:

<STRONG>I personally think an SP pack that had the original Dark Forces levels put into JKO would be pretty cool. Heck, an SP pack that put those levels in JK would be cool. (I don't say conversion because it'd be pretty dang hard to convert the DF levels to JKO :) )</STRONG>


Well, I'm working on a DF->Quake converter. Currently, I have completed the importer, and have 65% of the exporter. I didn't yet made the corrections to the scale of the textures, nor finished the routine that converts completely the sectors from DF into Quake brushes. I figured it out the last week how to finish it but hadn't enough time...


In the meantime I'd post some screenshots:


Importer Output

<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>


Click to Show the Biggie one</A>


What QERadiant shows

<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank> inquake-t.jpg

Click to Show the Biggie one</A>


By the way... help, anyone?


EDIT: I also want to do JK, but the geometry is a "little" more complex. Any help from anyone that know something about it, will be appreciated. I already tried the sites from the JK level editors, but they remain silent :(


[ September 26, 2001: Message edited by: Magnum ]

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Guest Krayt Tion

I would prefer they put their time and effort into giving us fresh new levels. If they find themselves twidling their thumbs with nothing to do at some point :rolleyes: then I say go ahead and do some remakes. I wouldn't support a remaking of Dark Forces levels, I wouldn't want to change anything from those marvelous set of levels. As for a conversion, well, I still enjoy playing through DF as it stands. But keep up the good work with that. I am in full support of a remake of BGJ and CO- provided 99.9% of those level's content becomes completely new ;)

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I'll say it again in the hopes that Raven hears it.


I want a map maker program that's easy to use and let's you create new maps like putting together building blocks. Then you can concentrate on the details and graphics work rather than the technical issues. Something that includes libraries of objects, walls, textures, etc. and might be used to create multi & single player maps for a number of games including JO, ST:V EF, etc.

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I would like to see every map from both Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith, but especially the Capture The Flag maps from Jedi Knight. I wouldn't mind seeing some of the levels from Dark Forces if they spruced up the primitive architecture and even alot of the maps from Shadows of the Empire. As far as what we get in singleplayer, I don't really care, I think Raven/LEC will do a good job with that on their own.


Bartolo: I remember the old JCS map. We used to play that for hours back in 99 and 2000 I believe. While they're at it, maybe they could do a few of my Jedi Knight multiplayer maps as well. ;)

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