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JK2 Force Powers


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I recently jsut bought a PC Gameplay even though i don't usually but it says the forces that will be in the game are ----


Jedi Choke- probably Force grip


Jedi Confuse- we already know aobut this so no need to explain


Jedi Jump- Force Jump as usual


Jedi Tap- Similar to ben's powers when shutting down the death star.


Jedi Shock- similar to chain lightning i think


Jedi Pull- Same old stuff


Jedi Push- U know



So first of all i'll notice that force speed is NOT mentioned! and not 2 many new things.......... It doesn't say this is all of them but itm akes it look like it is............................... I am expecting that in MP (doesn't say mp or sp but i think it prob sp) there should be a chice between dark & light like jk but if there's no force speed and no dark or light for mp that well gonna get me pissed off!

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The original official announcement mentioned these as returning in JK2...


1. Speed

2. Jump

3. Heal

4. Push

5. Pull

6. Lightning

7. Jedi Mind Tricks


Of course, that list is probably subject to change, but Speed was originally intended to be in there.


Just keep in mind that things are bound to fluctuate until they lock features down, so there is no really reliable source for what the game will finally contain.

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i believe the PC Gamer article states you start off with all force powers, but their strength advances in three levels(as opposed to JK's 8 force levels and choice of force star allocation..


its taking away from the RPG element and the option of not knowing what your opponent will be packing regarding force when the game 'launches', but I trust its been done like this for the sake of storyline/gameplay.


My real worry is that force lighting would become such a devastating power that is insufficently countered with other force powers. everyone would end up using it thus resulting in the addition of 'No Force Lighting' into the rules of etiquette when playing MP.


the online gaming experience is taken away from when the rules of etiquette become over-bearing. JK NF Guns has, at present, suffered tremendously from this. You can't even breathe in NF Guns without someone screaming at you for some sort of etiquette infraction.

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Even if that's so for Single Player, I wonder how it is handled for Multiplayer?


I think it's good that you start with some force, so you don't feel like you're starting over from scratch yet again.


I mean I doubt they will have an experience system (like Diablo2) where you increase in rank as you play. So will you have levels? Will powers be selectable? Will powers be allocatable?


Maybe they could do a mod like for what CounterStrike does and have you "buy" new force powers based on how well you did in the last battle... at least that's a mod idea.




[ October 31, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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You can't even breathe in NF Guns without someone screaming at you for some sort of etiquette infraction.


Yeah, it is pretty annoying. IMHO the only person who really has a say in what rules go on a server is the host him or herself. If he or she wants to take a vote that's fine, but if not, well people can just get used to it or find another game.


The Rune community has a similar problem. I'll be playing in a deathmatch game and people will complain about use of bloodlust, runes, "lack of honor" etc. But they usually only do it when they are losing or you do it to them more than once. I still consider it whining though... can't people just enjoy the dang game??


I know that certain types of stuff you can't set in the options, but then it should be up to the host to make the rules AND enforce them, not every little person who joins a game.



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ok then. back to what the topic is about: force powers. from what ive heard, kyle forgets his powers, so he doesnt turn to the dark side, so you dont get many at the start. but as the game gets harder, force powers are essential, so kyle becomes a jedi again. how the hell he thinks he will stay on the light, even when using lightning and choke, which we all know are very much dark side powers, I dont know. §§§§§§

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Hehe Who says he's light! If he can turn to the darkside in jk1 he sure can in jk2... i think that they're dinying u in jk2 is that when kyle was dark or light

(a) he didn't want to turn to the darkside

(b) he was dark and overcame it by ditching his powers and killing sarris :)

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We've been studying the Bhagavad Gita in my Indian Religions class in the last week or so, and that reminds me of that work.


The whole notion of doing one's duty without attachment. And that has parallels in Buddhism as well (the middle path).


So as long as Kyle doesn't revel in blood lust, he can dabble in the dark side powers. Of course, other Jedi thinkers might disagree, hence the "conflict" over ideology. Even using the force to help win battles might run into problems in that whole way of thinking, but that's another way to look at it.


I like the idea, keeps it interesting.



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Originally posted by Kurgan:



The Rune community has a similar problem. I'll be playing in a deathmatch game and people will complain about use of bloodlust, runes, "lack of honor" etc. But they usually only do it when they are losing or you do it to them more than once. I still consider it whining though... can't people just enjoy the dang game??




actually it is annoying when you're owning butt and then someone with a rune comes up and thracks you one from behind...thats the only reason why i complain ( if at all )...most of the time i deliberately get the same rune and do the same to them...revenge is all the sweeter when you have a dwarfworksword and a rune of power...jump - chop - and off comes that head...

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Yeah Dante... that's why Arena is so great.. nobody whines, because there isn't anything to whine about.


Deathmatch is all about whining, and while the other guy responds, 0wnx0r his @$$.


; )



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If you're (E3 video) thwacking evil stormtrooper butts double time with your lightsabre because it sure as shootin' appears that they are bouncing around using Force Speed (or an amplified power suit) then I would say FS is going to be there to compensate.


That said, the only time ANY dark side power (excepting Destroy) was ever useful was when it's "You vs. Him" and you're not getting the snot kicked out of you by all his uniformed buddies.


Watching TPM again, I wish they had made more emphasis on what Yoda said: "Difficult to see is the Dark Side...", perhaps as some kind of better explanation of what exactly the 'Sith' IS in this interpretation of the SW universe.


Knowing the kind of guerilla crap we're going through today, I find it easy to believe that a desparate Empire might be tired of throwing all their cards into bigger rayguns and if so, the cloning technology mentioned in one of the post-VI episodes, together with an SS deathshead style elite religion of Force Use could be just the trick to make a /new/ kind of threat. Perhaps an alinear one where Force Subjugation (or whatever) was used to seduce outlying worlds in a kind of reverse Rebellion counter tactic (perhaps even a 'Russian Mob' style cellular Dark Lord takeover).


Dark Forces was enjoyable in this way because the Dark Trooper was a much more personal and immediate threat while it would also explain why the Imps seem to be so much more agile.




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