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I'm sure they aren't losing to much money. They probably got discounts on most all the parts for buying in bulk and they will sell enough of them that it will all wash out in the end.


Besides my work just upgraded all our PCs to W2000 pro and since there is some where in the neighborhood of about 10,000 (in my division alone) PCs and they all need there own copy I'm sure MS made a few bucks off of us.

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Guys, I need some serious help. My Pentium III 600 mhz will only use PCI based video cards. My question is will it be worth the time and money to replace the motherboard completely with one that utilizes an AGP card, and furthermore, is replacing a motherboard difficult?

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its probably 5 or 6 difficulty out of ten, but have you already ruled out pci gfx cards? my advice would be to find a buddy who had made a computer or two already or find some tutorials on the net... that should at least give you an idea of what you are up against... if you have any specific questions, make sure to let us know, there are lots of people here willing to help... though a walkthrough would be somewhat difficuly over the net...

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I was looking at a Verto GeForce 2 MX-400 PCI, but i've heard it just doesn't hold a candle to the newer AGPs. I'd just like to be able to get the best out of JO. I will more than likely ask some of my computer buddies for help. Thanks for the quick response

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I was looking at a Verto GeForce 2 MX-400 PCI, but i've heard it just doesn't hold a candle to the newer AGPs. I'd just like to be able to get the best out of JO. I will more than likely ask some of my computer buddies for help. Thanks for the quick response

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Originally posted by madrebel


i promise you its a gf3. halo as an example takes advantage of the vertex/pixel shaders that only the gf3 series has.


also, a motherboard + 64 megs ddr = about 100 dollars.


a p3 733mhhz is about 80.


so....what else? 1 controller...costs about 10 bucks to make.


the posh looking xbox....box costs at least 20 probably morelike 50dollars per unit.


a dvd drive is what....80 bucks?


so without the graphics care we have

100 motherboard and memory

80 for the p3

10 bux for the controller

50 lets say for the plastic box

80 for the dvd drive


320 thats 320 so far.....thats not counting the gf3 plus the shipping costs and other odds n ends.


M$ is losing big money per console right now.


I somehow doubt that Microsoft buys parts for the XBox at retail prices. They probably get them for about half that.


I'd imagine you get a pretty big discount if you phone nVidia and ask for a couple of million GeForce 3s. :D

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I really want to get a GF3 ti500. But I know as soon as I do the price will be slashed in half. And the GF4 will be out in a month. :rolleyes: Though, this nForce thingie intrigues me. So, it's all built into the mobo? Kinda reminds me of the old Amiga with it's AGA graphics and Paula audio chipsets built-in.

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Originally posted by Darth Bjorn

Kenn's here! Hey, everybody! Kenn Hoekstra's here!! :D hey when you gonna order MRJ or Shubes to come over hear. Or Mike Gummelt! ;)



MRJ is already here Bjorn Borg ;)

Saw him around in the "is raven talking to us enough" post


And I am happy that my 32MB ATI Rage Fury will be able to handle it as it did with EF :)



:trooper: Morph

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Welp, I just hope my measly AMD K6-2 450 will still be enough to handle the game. I'm not worried about the card, I've got a geforce 2 MX w/ 32 RAM.


I have been thinking about upgrading to some sort of 1ghz or higher chip, but then I'd need to replace my mobo, and possible get more RAM... hrm, decisions, decisions...

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All I know is it doesn't pay to get the newest stuff out, you usually get screwed.


When I built my first PC I bought a PIII 550 Katmai, the fastest chip out for $370+, 3 weeks later the new Coppermine chip came out and my 550 was now about $300.


Then after I got a new chip, more on that later, I needed some PC133 as my Corsair PC100 wouldn't cut it. So I bought some Mushkin 128mg PC133 with mosel vitalic chips for $170. Maybe 4 months later ram prices dropped big time and I scored 256mg of crucial PC133 for $90, now look at it, ram is dirt cheap.


The best deal I got so far was I bought a PIII 700 that over clocks to 933mhz. It has cB0 stepping and it runs at default voltage, It has run O/Ced for more then a year with out a hitch. The only downside is my AGP slot runs at 89mhz but so far my GTS card hasn't complained.


I would assume that about 70% of the people here have a 1 ghz or lower PC, it's to expensive to keep up. All I play is CS and I can get 100fps on max resolution, so why upgrade.


Besides, I have a wife, 2 kids and a house payment and the wife said maybe next year I can rebuild.:D

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well, gonna get a GeForce2 MX400 64mb for x-mas or Hannukah(i celebrate both; Jewish by blood, Christian by grandmother-likes-to-do-x-mas)dont tell my parents i know


anyways, should do it. I got this for my other compy:



64mb RAM

TNT2 M64 32mb

5400rpm hd


can i run JK2? f***ing Dell made my old compy; decided to make my mobo special by lessening the amount of RAM it could take.



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