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The Raven Comparrison


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you don't "turn off" mipmapping.. it's an integral part of the engine. otherwise, something called the "moire effect" begins to happen.. a 128x128 texture fills up less screen pixels than 128x128, and you get weird patterns and worse framerate.

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Just as an aside, actually I really enjoyed Unreal 1's single player campaign.


But the only reason I liked it is because I played it in cooperative multiplayer mode using Unreal Tournament. Was a lot of fun to play it using the UT weapons ;)


Meanwhile, I don't think we need ultra-colorful Jedi Outcast levels. After all, this is Star Wars. So, we must expect a lot of Star Wars Gray to go along with the typical mono-climate planets.


Excuse the interruption...


... You may proceed with the monkeys.

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator:


StormHammer i wasn't insulting him... i was "abusing his right".. i mean i mean no insult....


Guilty conscience, Terminator? Tut tut. :D


It was a general remark. Maybe the word I used was a little strong, though. ;)


And thanks for the welcome. ;)

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And thanks for the welcome.

No probs. "GET OFF MY SCREEN!"

j/k :D


there is no spoon

*Raok drops dead to the floor because of the words he used*

"Defy the spoon and u shall be detroyed"

*shoots Monkey*




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I played JK from the time it came out until tribes1 came out. You may or may not remember me i dont care i know JK like the back o my hand. This leads me to think that.


Youre all forgetting alot about JK and why it didnt do as well as other online games despite superior gameplay.


1. The zone

horrible service, lets hope this time there is in game irc as well as a good in game browser (with the q3 engine this is pretty much a given)


2. No dedicated server

q3 engine means dedicated server...linux dedicated server too.


3. Crappy net code

Yes i realise that at the time the "ghost" model they used a good alternative, but it still sucked compared with q2s code. If you argue that youre an idiot.


4. Map/Level editor

JKs map editor was weak and difficult to use. If anyone argues about the quake series user created maps compared to the JK user created maps then well again, youre an idiot. Qrad has turned out some an amazing amount of user made maps. Of the top of my head i only remember maybe 5 user maps that were really made well, maybe 15 total that were worth playing.


5. Cheats and dev support

Cheats were NASTY in JK. Yes i had the toggle invul script and the toggle uber saber. Mainly as a defense against the l33t coggers. But the JK community had to make tools to help kick the cheaters (god i forget the name of that tool off hand). Basically the support from lucas arts paled in comparision to that of the iD type developers. Yes i realize quake2 had its share of cheats/aim bots. But with dedicated servers and server admins (perma bans and the like) dealing with these cheaters was easier. Now the Q3 engine has relatively no cheats when compared to q2 so that is very promising(yes i know about wall hacks and the aim bot, minor compared with Q2).


It is my opinion that at the time JK had better graphics and better, faster, more varied (FF guns NF guns FF sabers NF saber...), and just all around more rewarding gameplay.


Think for a second, you remember the JK saber duels over a 28.8? God it was so cool but man it so sucked. The ONLY real good saber duel i ever had was on a lan and man i think i soiled my drawls during that fight. Saber strikes actual skill had to be used. Hell primary attack was useful on the lan that was odd it wasnt just a secondary attack run around and hope you hit where he was going to be.


Now think about this. Dedicated server, low ping broad band saber duels (me drools). That alone makes me cream for this game. OH man FF guns on oasis with a dedicated server and no need to guess where he might be in 2 seconds.


JK2 promises IMO to have the best gameplay of any game out at the time.


you shouldnt even mention the words unreal and gameplay in the same sentance ;)


also JK won best gave ever over some pretty huge titles from pc gamer. not an easy task.

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...unreal engine > q3 engine


many will dispute that, but I stand by my decision. why is that you say? because I'm a biased jerk who likes arguing, why else?


anyways, I believe that the Dark Age of Camelot engine is better, thousands of people, great graphics, not as fast but just as good or better


or what about the Tribes 2 engine? sure T2 sucked and Dynamix didn't do a good job with their engine, but you gotta admit 64 people at one time with little net lag = good

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Well allow me to retort.


Q3 engine is better and here is why.


no software rendering code.


the unreal/UT engine still has software rendering code in it. This slows down overall performance.


now arguing U2 vs Q3 is apples to oranges.


Im persoanlly more impressed with the very few doom3 shots/videos ive seen than i am with U2. I like how quiet iD has been with doom3. Not many screenies little gameplay footage no leaked alpha. Just seems more professional to me and i feel their engine will be superior.


DAoC has a great engine. A great engine that isnt well suited for a FPS/ACTION game. Hell it doesnt even support 5 button mice wtf is that ? :(


T2 would be pretty cool. Problem IMO is the editor is not condusive of indoor environments. Something that is a must for a JK style game. No current fps engine can do outdoor worlds like T2 that is true. Also if you think t2 doesnt lag to high hell with 64 players in the game youre smoking rope. My NASA system even slows to a crawl with that many. T2 was rushed sierra are faggits and i will only warez their games from here on out.

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4. Map/Level editor

JKs map editor was weak and difficult to use. If anyone argues about the quake series user created maps compared to the JK user created maps then well again, youre an idiot. Qrad has turned out some an amazing amount of user made maps. Of the top of my head i only remember maybe 5 user maps that were really made well, maybe 15 total that were worth playing.


Sorry, I'm not an idiot. I've worked with *many* different level editors, including QERadiant, UnrealED, QOOLE, WED, fooled around in ShockED, and last but not least, JED. It is the best level editor I've used, preferable to anything else.


The Quake community is/has been much larger than then JK community ever was, so by basic stats/probability there should be a higher percentage of quality projects. Have you ever played any of the MLP's (4 dm/1 ctf)?


Maybe JED was difficult to use for you because you didn't bother trying to actually learn it, but it definitely is not weak. And no, I'm not a rabid JK "fanboy", I just don't like to see blatant misrepresentation..

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quality maps brother. JK had very few quality maps/mappers. I personally thin JED was weak ive talked with may other mappers who think the same thing. So far its many opinions vs yours.


fact no opinion yes.


fact though is user created maps in JK for the most part were horrible.

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