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New Enemies We Can Expect to Face


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What new enemies do you think might be in JK2?


I hope there will be more then about three different alien models for us also I hope there will be a bounty hunter for us to slice up blow up and shoot up. :D


If youhave any other enemy ideas please tell me.

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Yeah I knew that there would be new bosses because you kiled them all in the last game. I've been thinking and I thought what if they added some AT-AT's. You would have to shoot a grapler hook at the belly and pull up whip out your saber, slash it open then throw in a TD, drop to the ground and watch the fireworks. :eek:

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the usual stormies wielding blasters, meybe RPGs(Rail det.)... some AT-STs


prepared defenses(blaster turrets, etc.)


alien mercenaries featuring various odd blasters, weapon types, etc.


dark jedi


non-sentient carnivourous creatures


local police forces, starport security


bounty hunters


those are the sort i expect to see

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Well, I wasn't 14, but I've certainly beat DF, JK and MotS SP games on the Hard setting. ;)


As for new enemies, nobody knows except LEC and Raven...yet. ;) We've seen some old favourites in the newest screenshots, but I hope they mix it up a bit for the rest...maybe introduce a few species never seen before.

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Yeah, as long as they don't throw in Ithorians (hammerheads) like they did in MotS. That was so stupid, since in SW, Ithorians are one of the most peace loving species around, topped only by - maybe - the Cammassi in terms of non violence.


I'd like to be able to pick up and use the Gammorrean Guard's axe this time around. It looks like such a cool melee weapon, but you never are able to touch it in the previous games.

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Originally posted by Omedarcus:

<STRONG>I just hope Raven does like they did with Elite Force; put this really really big super strong monster at the end of the game :eek::eek:</STRONG>


But preferably not one whose name is Voldorth and keeps saying things like "I have ultimate power" and "die puny humans". :D

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JediKnight_114 wrote:


...topped only by - maybe - the Cammassi in terms of non violence...


lol, Cammassi rofl, I never heard of that race, lololollol.


That are Mon Calamari, not Camassi lmao

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]
Originally posted by StormHammer:

<STRONG>Actually, I believe he is referring to the Caamasi race from the planet Caamas, introduced in the EU novels Vision Of The Future, and Specter Of The Past. ;) </STRONG>


So true. You can read about them in depth in I, Jedi by Michael A. Stackpole.


Originally posted by Kettch: <STRONG> lol, Cammassi rofl, I never heard of that race, lololollol.


That are Mon Calamari, not Camassi lmao </STRONG>


And, Mon Calamari, while relatively peaceful are the ones that invented the Mon Calamari Cruisers, so I wouldn't exactly call them non violent. Read I, Jedi for the story on Cammassi.


[ November 26, 2001: Message edited by: JediKnight_114 ]

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Originally posted by Omedarcus:

<STRONG>I just hope Raven does like they did with Elite Force; put this really really big super strong monster at the end of the game :eek::eek:</STRONG>


thats what i hated most about Elite Force. Most games have a big powerful boss at the end...i reckon they should have thought of something new...like...i dont know but something new.

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I never play games on easy

Yea, it just feels like ur going through the motions on easy or even normal skill levels in FPSes.

enemies just adjust to the way you play

I don't think I heard about that in Max Payne, sounds even better now, well I have a Q: How long does it take to finish the game?]

If it's only 10 hours worth I'm considering waiting for a price drop.

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Guest xwing guy

I thought the Vorsoth that you fought at the end of elite force was cool but it just wouldn't fit for JK2. Maybe for your big bad boss you could have the baddest and best dark jedi get some cloning cylinders and he would have an endless army. Sound fimilar? :cool:

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