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i think it would be cool if they put a random map generator in jk2 for multiplayer, just like the one there putting on sof2 for singleplayer (which i also think should be in multiplayer)


i think it would be great have have random maps, and also ready made maps when you play a game, especially over the internet, it mixes up the maps so that you dont get the same maps over and over hint oasis hint.....

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well most people played oasis due to its superb design... i know alot dislike it due to its having been played into the ground..


it'd be cool tho, and it would force people to develop tatics that don't end up being totally based on a map... just unfeasible at present :(

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Welcome to the forums, Executor.


Here, have this...


*hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion*


There you go. ;)


That's a good question about the automap. Although there are no details or confirmation as yet, I would also suspect that it would be in the game in some form.


Personally, I'd hope for an automap that shows some solid or transparent wall textures, so you can easily tell which part of the map you are looking at. Daggerfall managed this, and it worked quite well - even gave you the chance to fly around the parts of the level you had already visited, and set markers to show the locations of specific items.


Something like that in JK2 would be grand. ;)

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er... wasn't daggerfall notorious for having like the WORST map function of any game ever?? as far as i can remember no body could ever find there way back out of the dungeons ;)


certainly a big topic on the Morrowind discusion boards has been the inclusion of a good automap this time...


why do you guys think it is likely there will be an automap? i think the last game i played with an automap was JK? i certainly haven't seen one in any games based on the quake engines... although it is totally possible i have jsut missed them.


did elite force have an automap? wolfenstien2?

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Originally posted by TomS:

er... wasn't daggerfall notorious for having like the WORST map function of any game ever?? as far as i can remember no body could ever find there way back out of the dungeons ;)




Yeah, I didn't say it wasn't flawed. ;)


I think the main problem with Daggerfall was the dungeons were randomly generated, and they kept using the same textures and designs all over the place. It was very easy to get lost...which is one of the reasons why I stopped playing it. :(

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Guest Vagabond

One would sincerely hope that JKII has some satisfactory map implementation. Since the Q3 engine is already being "heavily modified", then perhaps beefing up the mapping capability is in the cards too :cool:

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without an automap you do seem to end up with the sort of level design that means you HAVE to take a single route through a level. (And all other routes are blocked off..like the 2000 doors you couldn't open in NOLF)

which is annoying.


alternatives would be having force seeing bring up some sort of radar/motion tracker overlay.

or making it make nearby walls transparent.

or making it put decals on walls if there was an enemy behnd them.


BTW... if any of the above are implemented then i hope they make it possible to shoot through certain surfaces... they had this in NOLF (though underused) and it was cool. It would be great to sneak up on a bad guy and then slice him up through a curtain, or a thin sheet metal wall...

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Automap is like secondary fire, so far all the games in the Dark Forces series have had it, and benefited from it. The fans will EXPECT it. Removing it feels like going backwards...


Not to nitpick, but the automap feature in JK had nothing at all to do with random sequences of MP maps, or randomly BUILT maps (ie: random terrain). It instead referred to the vector overlay map that showed your current position in the SP/MP level. Combined with force seeing (varying depending on the force level) it could also reveal the location of laid mines, pickup items, and enemy/friendly characters. AI characters, enemies were shown with different colored (and sized) icons. Also in teamplay mode, each team had their own colored icons. Each one was a circle with a straight line coming out of one side (showing which way the character was facing).


Some people even max zoomed the overlay map to give them a makeshift 3rd person "crosshair." ; )


There was another automap feature that I figure was used a lot less (at least in MP, since it required you to spend time in the menus, thus not being able to make sure somebody didn't kill you while you used it) was in the menu and it gave you a full vector based 3d rendering of the entire level, that you could zoom, rotate, etc. Dark Forces had one like this, except it was an overhead view (much like the overlay map, only bigger, plus you could view each floor by itself). In JK the overlay map only showed the current floor, while the others were "faded out."


Whenever I talk about "automap" in the Dark Forces series, that's what I refer to. I hope it makes it into JK2 as well.


It was a great feature for showing where you'd been, where you had to go, etc and plus it was tactically advantageous to use it with Force seeing. Made a lot of sense.


Another thing that I hope they don't do, is leave out the "Status loading" progress bars that JK had. I hate it that most FPS games nowadays just have a simple "loading..." text maybe an animated gif like in the case of AvP2, but no way of knowing how much time you have left to wait. With the higher end games requiring faster hardware, some of us may have to wait a long time, this just helps make it more bearable. Since it's not a default Q3 thing, that's why I'm concerned (it's minor, but I hope they consider it, for completeness sake).


Also the built in Q3 browser could be a bit better (I keep saying this, but compare Q3's to UT's and see the difference).




[ November 29, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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Well you have a point there, but all status bars are not created equal.


I found it amusing that Norton 2001 for example's virus scanner had a progress bar that was always notorious inaccurate (when scanning my computer it would get to 99% then stay there for ten straight minutes), and in Norton 2002, they removed the status bar completely (couldn't do it right I guess).


If done right, they could be good. Estimate actual time for processes, bar moves when progress is being made, etc. might be more complex than that, I dunno. They could also provide info on what exactly is loading (like with Quake3) so you have an idea. This also helps you gauge what settings you might need to turn down to make it faster if it's going too slow for you. Join progress for multiplayer games is also good.


If I'm on a modem I would like to know how long I have to sit there, for example.


And I like UT's server browser because it not only shows progress (as a percentage) but it also allows me to pause the loading and go to a server (Q3's doesn't, I have to wait for the entire thing to load or cancel it and the stuff isn't sorted as well). Another area where a status bar would be great.


Still, it is a nice feature. It's also a good way to tell if the game is really taking awhile to load, or if my computer has locked up or something. Seeing the time remaining gives me a chance to get up and grab a drink or take a quick bathroom break too (AvP2 comes to mind, with its looooong waits between levels).


Granted in probably five years time the load bars won't matter (with better hardware) but you'll probably have fewer people playing then too (except us hardcores.. most games don't last over five years anyway in terms of large communities).



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I hate automaps. They are just plain annoying. It should be a physical map on paper, or in the case of Star Wars, one of those holographic palm thingies. A good example would be the Theif map. It should where you are, and where you have been. It also lets the designers hide certain parts, as you wouldn't have a complete map of an Imperial base, but merely bits and peices.

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it always let's u konw if u have time for a quick trip to the biscuit tin.


Most games also have Pause key for that or you can always go to Main Menu...


It should be a physical map on paper, or in the case of Star Wars, one of those holographic palm thingies.


Even better, if opening up map brought you back to Katarn's workshop where WeeGee displays that holographic map. ;)

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