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JK2 Poll

Toa Tahu

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Well, most of the top NF sabers players in Jedi Knight used third-person player... there were a few rare incidents where exceptional players that used first-person often(i.e. HDK_Logicbomb)..


in every game i played that featured some melee aspect, third person was the easiest means of playing it. as for blocking, first person is probably easiest in general cases, but i only see that be neccessary in SP..


in multiplayer, when playing NF(No Force, or Uninitiated force level) Sabers[only], it was a breach of conduct to go after someone with a blaster(except for when just fooling around), so you never see much of it. even then, who's going to try and peck you to death with a byrar when your charging at them full tilt swinging a lightsaber..


in other cases, like no force guns, where you've got nothing better so you whip out the lightsaber, first person is foolish as well, because generally they have little trouble circle-strafing and/or hopping around to your back, thus disapearing from your line of sight.


it would always be best to use third person, so you are fully aware of your opponent's location. blocking ability against mulitplayer opponents is usually weak, and to the 10 shots taken at you by blaster or repeater fire, you're likely only to block 2-4 shots.


its with these reasons, and the fact that RAVEN/LEC reccomend that you use thirdperson when wielding a saber, that most probably assume that 3rd person will be best.

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No need to blow a gasket about it, the poll had no real signifigance. It's not like Raven will see it and decide "Hey, since all those people voted for 3rd person, let's just remove the 1st person option for the saber!".


Oh, and I'm one of those !@#$%^&* who voted for 3rd person, because I found using the saber in JK much easier that way. Especially during duels. :p

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Sorry,I was just too angry that day because I didn't play even JK,and I didn't experience sabre in first person,but I played a game in 3rd person,but I don't see how you can be aware of your enemy's position.I always thought that 1st person was cooler because you had that crosshair to aim your gun,and I'd think it'll be almost the same with using the knife in CS.

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Guest Celestial

The first time I play JO, I'm going to turn my speakers up really loud and ignite the lightsaber. Ahhh I'll have to change my underwear after that moment. :D

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Guest Vagabond

I like not knowing exactly where everyone is while sabering in first-person. It's more immersive, and forces me to think and predict how my opponents fight - it feels more realistic. And to be quite honest, this technique has served me well.

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1rst person looks lame, you cant see the swing animation.


also, hehe i like to laugh at people who think sabering in the begining of JK was about skill. in the old days of 14.4-33.6 connects sabering was almost all about getting lucky with the way JK handled net code.


nowadays with the new netcode i think sabering will be very skillful and not just secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire


but yeah 1rst person sabering just felt wrong :)

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skillful in early JK sabering, no

skillful in middle era and beyond JK sabering, yes


Once you got the hang of how JK sabering lag handled, it became very graceful, albeit totally 'wasd'[movement] based.


you can have an idea of where your opponent is actually located, once you understand how the lag works. when im focusing, there is very little or nil luck at play and only when the lag was totally erratic, could i not see i was going hit my opponent or about to be hit in the midst of manevuring about my opponent.


[ November 29, 2001: Message edited by: DeathBoLT ]

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Originally posted by madrebel:


nowadays with the new netcode i think sabering will be very skillful and not just secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire secondary fire



secondary fire was the only attack i used in multiplayer.

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Originally posted by DR-Rendar:



A crosshair for the lightsaber. That's a good one.




i can imagine some use in aid of achieving head shots but.. i never got into Rune to much or other simliar games to actively aim for headshots with a melee weapon so im not a real expert on it.. i don't think the Unreal engine was suited well for sword-fighting type games..

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personally, as an expert gunner in jk (anyone up for some ji o?) and a halfway decent saberist, i dont use first person in jk..at all....



personally, in all fps games i have played (its the standard), the field of view provided by first person isnt sufficient enough to warrant it being 'realistic' with 3rd person, its much easier to see the entire field of view (not to mention look around corners). in nf guns (i never was much of a ff'er, but im sure its this way in there as well), 3rd person ruled.


[ November 30, 2001: Message edited by: thrEEpaGe ]

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Originally posted by Millions o' Monkeys:

...that would be excellent for gunners who want to play 3rd person but it really is a tad useless for sabers


Also keep in mind that there should be locational damage courtesy of the GHOUL 2 tech. So if you want to surgically slice off an arm, or leg, that crosshair would come in handy. I believe I read somewhere that a head-shot is also more likely to mean a quick kill...so a crosshair for the saber would make sense in that context. ;)

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a syndrome of JK was the 2nd function saber button, if you look all the way up the saber would hardly go up from the normal position, if you looked down the saber didn't go all the way down with you. This bothered me, as I couldn't aim well, but hopefully it will be fixed in JK2.


why did I bring this up? well assuming it is fixed, the crosshair would be very sweet in helping to determine where your shot would go.

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