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3rd person reticle!!! omgomg omg


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omg omg omg.



This may seem like a very ridiculous concern to a lot of you, but for the last 6 months I've been drawing a reticle on my monitor to play guns in JK in 3rd person.


The fact that raven has actually included a *bites fist pathetically/convulses* 3rd person reticle! is making my timbers shivers.


I just hope that that lil dot isn't in place soley for the lightsaber. For those of us who much prefer to play the game in 3rd person unless we're inspecting some exquisitely textured surface on some dead rodian very closely, please raven, keep that lil dot all thru out 3rd person. Yeeehaw!!




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Hmmm...yes, I do think that crosshair is for aiming your Force powers and lightsaber.


I've yet to see Kyle in 3rd person with any other weapon in his hand bar the lightsaber, and judging by the information at the new web site, I'm beginning to think you might not be able to just switch between 1st and 3rd person after all. I think it will be an auto-switch to 3rd person for lightsaber only...and that would be very disappointing for me.


One of the great things about JK was the ability to play the whole game either in 1st person, or 3rd person, or a combination of the two. If that choice is taken away, then I think some of the replay value will be taken away with it.


I have a very bad feeling about this.

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i agree with you hammer, the way it looks u will only be in 3rd person with ur light saber, i too liked the ability to switch from first to third..


things like that are the main reason why i wanted to start a mod team for outcast, giving people some options that raven has left out, but it seems i cant get anyone who wants to help me with that at the moment.

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Originally posted by TrUeFoRcE:

...things like that are the main reason why i wanted to start a mod team for outcast, giving people some options that raven has left out, but it seems i cant get anyone who wants to help me with that at the moment.


I think the problem at the moment is that no one is really sure about what the final release will contain, so it's hard to nail down what needs to be done in a mod.


I'm sure you'll get more responses the closer we get to release. ;)

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Originally posted by Lucky:

pfft, you can easily switch to 3rd person with the quake command prompt, so thats not even an issue. having a reticle to use when you do is, lol.


Er, I think I'd have to disagree with you there. In JK, you saw each weapon you were holding in 3rd person, plus you had some different animations of the character in 3rd person - like firing a bowcaster, concussion rifle, and throwing a TD. You also saw yourself swimming, jumping, falling off ledges...all had their own animations.


It's one thing to animate Kyle with a lightsaber and using Force powers - it's another just to show him firing a different weapon, and it's possible effects, like kick-back etc.


So it all comes down to whether they've implemented some good - or just average - animation for each of these events. Most of the bots I've seen in Q3, for example, were not very well animated, IMHO.

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Yes, I know many of the animations are already there. :rolleyes:


My argument is that they might not be as good as they could be if they are not developed and tweaked to look good in SP. :) After all, in MP, you are usually running around at the speed of light trying not to get killed...so you might not notice lower quality animations.


And as you said, it might not be tweaked for the 3rd person camera view.

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from StormHammer: So it all comes down to whether they've implemented some good - or just average - animation for each of these events. Most of the bots I've seen in Q3, for example, were not very well animated, IMHO.


The Quake3 "animation" system was mostly changed to a partial skeletal based system for EF. With the advent of Ghoul2, the animation system is now full skeletal. Also Quake3 uses three separate models, head, torso, and legs. As you'll note, JK2 models are one piece smooth skinned. Finally, Quake3 animations were mostly done by Paul Steed--he's not a very good animator/modeler. I seem to remember someone saying that JK2 would use motion-capture for their animations. All-in-all, I'm not too worried about it.


Anyway, back to the topic, with the Quake3 engine, you can force key bindings directly on the console, so even if the game doesn't directly allow you to switch between first and third person, you can probably very easily make it do that.

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I really hope they put the crosshair in 3rd person. I played Heretic II ( a really awesome 3rd person game by Raven) a lot and am hoping that Jedi Knight II is similar. Heretic II's 3rd person was so awesome that I can't even begin to describe it. Heretic II had the crosshair in 3rd person since the game was just 3rd person. There were of course weapons that shot stuff and it was easy since there was a crosshair in 3rd person. It also had a neat feature of moving the camera around so you can look at yourself and you could even customize how far away it was and how stiff the camera would be.

Finally the best part of Heretic II was the blade! Basically it was a knife at the end of a long stick, but it acted as a sword. Blade only gameplay was very popular and very very fun.


So I am really hoping Raven will make Jedi Knight II exactly like Heretic II was.


If anyone is gonna go to the chat, ask Raven about this stuff! :D


[ November 17, 2001: Message edited by: Omedarcus ]

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The reticle and the shadow were the forst things i noticed. Also the size of the levels. I think its a really cool touch having 3rd person reticle. I really like the idea of being able to have the lightsaber on stand-by mode. The cool thing about this game is that there are no other games like it :)

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just so long as i don't have to draw a g'damn dot on my monitor anymore =P I had to move from alaska to orlando for school, and didn't bother reconfiguring my account for new computer till like yesterday, been lurking tho.




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Owners of Elite Force might wanna check out how game plays overally in 3rd person. You have to first open up the console by typing ~ and then "sv_cheats 1" to activate cheat mode. After that "cg_thirdperson 1". One thing that you will notice immediately after change is that stances need to be tweaked a little bit for this view and shooting without reticle is much harder; you might not really need it for dueling one-on-one(even though it helps you to achieve much more accurate hit) in close range, but when throwing saber, for example, you need to control very precisely where it's going through the air. Hopefully you can choose different reticles of your own taste from the menu like in EF and SOF. :D

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