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Zone...No zone


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matt, Mafia Jabba would not have the opportunity of contributing to the MSN Gaming Zone debate in a previous post as it was closed due to out-of-place arguments occuring on it.


The zone has some nice aspects, "everyone thats anyone knows everyone", ease of communicating(zf), tightness of community. I like dedicated servers tho - and how it would be worked into the zone I'm not sure. The way multiplayer UT is set up isn't so bad- anyone in a clan is going to be relatively good. its the newbies that are generally clanless. its problems are that its so hard to keep up with people. ive become dependant on ladder to define whos good and who isn't good simply b/c its so hard to tell due to the looseness of community. on the zone, u could tell where someone was by adding them to zone friends and clicking on their name. UT has a simliar option in its chats, but what if the guy isn't in a chat? or if u don't know what chat he/she is in if they're in one?


im sorry if my thoughts are coming off a bit scatterbrained.. im not thinking to clearly tonight

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i kinda liked the zone for reasons stated above. you could talk to people, just get a few people into a room for a chat... and so on


the only things i didnt like were the constant bickering and name calling and the fact that you could only have 4 in a room, unless you altered your sys reg :)

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the reason only 4 are allowed because thats what the games most stabile with - its ok at 8, but it gets unstable after anymore



i think a battle.net type setup would work well - my friends list happened to be a sheet of paper with people's account names, but u could always enter in '/who is therename' and find out what game/chat they were in. it'd be great if they worked a zf in in the sense that u could add ppl's account names to a list and just double click on their name to do the equivalant of a who-is command..

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Yeah, I think a battle.net/tribes 2 room system would be ideal. You have the community and the speed with the dedicated servers. Also, you have the ability to automatically download any patches when you first login. Dynamix and virtaully eliminated all cheating by using that system. Hopefully we can see something like that.



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I've been playin CTF in EF a lot lately and I've come to the conclusion that the pure server connection is not the best. Sure the zone has its problems, but there needs to be some sort of lobby where you can set options and connect with people within your specific game group before the game begins.


All the pure server stuff makes it very difficult to get smaller games going with specific people who start together. In team games, there are constantly people jumping in and changing sides. This completely defeats the purpose of team games. At least in the zone you could prevent quick joiners and play the game with the folks who started it and agreed on the rules. Something else needs to be set up to bring the game participant controls back to the host. I know of the web sites for this, but they just don't solve the problem.


As it is now, it's virtually impossible to get a new game going as the server. Instead the only realistic option is to join one of the existing servers. Those always seem to have up to 16 of 20 players. That sucks when you want to play a strategic match cause they're just a frenzied blast match with someone behind every corner.


[ June 19, 2001: Message edited by: Gonk Droid ]

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Guest Krayt Tion

I'll pass. Never could I go to the zone for 'community.' I suppose this is because I could never chum up with the 13 year olds that were spamming homophobic rhetoric and trying 'fight the power' in front of sysops or whoever the admin types were. Nor was I ever into the clan scene. The two most popular uses for JK on the zone have no appeal to me. Yes, I'm stereotyping, so flame away.

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Guest SithSeeD

Zone was kind of fun though. More windows based. you can multi-task and do other things while you chat or get ready to play a game on the zone. The in game system in Tribes 2 is cool, especially if JK 2 gave players their own little page like they did in T2.


Oh and by the way Jabba... that so called "War-face" scares the crap out of me.


SithSeeD :mad:

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Yeah the Zone had problems, especially the gimps in the chat area. You could ignore that though. What you really need is a private chat room / waiting area for the game your setting up. Then you need the lists of everyone looking to play at that moment, the ability to add certain players to your personal lists, and the all important block quick joiners function. Only that way can you really "connect" with other players and know how to hook up with these compatible opponents later. You'll know what kind of game your getting into before hand and team play would be greatly enhanced. That also allows you to ignore and avoid the gimp factor so prevalent there.


I don't think I ever used the chat bar at the bottom of the zone 'cause there was always some mindless babble going on there. However, I always used the zone message functions to contact players I already knew to set up a game.


As it is now, EF games are little different from playing bots because you don't know who your playin against. At least at the zone you could categorize players into your own list so you would recognize the people you played against.

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im not actually talking about HAVING battlenet host it.. im talking about something with that sort of setup without the junk blizzard does without u knowing and without the horrible lag.. Diablo 2 lags. Diablo don't which operates on the same hosting system JK relies on. if we remove the 'host your own game' and have dedicated servers run by indpt. ppl you avoid the lag battlenet has b/c everything hosted is hosted by them and you get a better thing than the zone

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personally, i quite like the tribes 2 setup..... list of servers at your disposal you can refresh, in game forums, auto-clan manager (good so you can make sure ONLY the people you want are in your clan). all the clan tags are yellow so you can tell who's just smurfing the clan name. theres also an irc client in game, which is very cool, and you can make chat rooms and organize.



one of the best features is the in-game email though. you just address the email to the other person (their alias) and it goes to them.


theres also in game news, and player/clan lookup


theres a few bugs in it, but its pretty damn good.


something like that would be nice..... seeing how there will probably be a lot of clanners

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the Tribes 2 setup sounds pretty good. Zone is ok, the prob with it is that its run by people that don't play the game at all, also they can't punish any of the snotty lil things that happen.


The community should be policed by the community, not some moonlighting people from chess.


They end up being inept at controlling flooding, and super strict about the occasional profanity, and they miss out on the majority of offenses.


Kali worked pretty well. When someone got out of line, there was a bot that kept a text record of every chat all the time, and logged it all. so all you had to do was to point out the problem, and the person lost their serial for good and couldn't ever play on kali for more'n 15 min at a time. Zone gets haxored in 3 min, cause there's so lil crap on yer comp.


Anyhow, I'm looking foreward to heading back to kali and just visiting the other community centers after JK2 is released.




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wasnt the zones bandwidth cut? i remember back in da day when i'd get on the zone it didnt lag that much... now its lagolicous.


anyways... a UT type setup would be nice... but with like a z/f that has file transfer or somthing. Thats one thing i hate about the zone, no file transfer or anything. oh well. :mad:

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