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Kyle & Jan

Guest Vagabond

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Guest Vagabond

So, Jan Ors will be back in this latest installment. It might just be me but I'd always thought Jan sort of had a crush on Kyle. She's got that innocent beauty about her, and Kyle's got that rugged, man-on-a-mission thing going on. It's only natural that the pheromones are going to fly.


So who here thinks that there will be a love story between Kyle and Jan? Who would like to see one?


Me? I'd kind of like to see something develop there - it seems natural. Of course, that means she'd be captured by the villain, and giving Kyle an extra-huge incentive to go rescue the love of his life.


So, I'll be interested in hearing your thoughts on this.

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Yeah, Vag. I think that would fit pretty well. The three books based on Kyle's exploits do actually hint at such a relationship.


As for the villain holding onto her...hmmm, I don't know. It's sort of a tired old cliche, that one, IMO. I mean, Jedi Knight rescues damsel in distress?


It would be better if Kyle gets himself in a fix, and Jan has to do the rescuing...a la Leia rescues Han...

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Guest Vagabond

Yep, Storm, haivng Jan do the rescuing would be a nice twist, and fitting within the Star Wars tradition.


Primarily, I was thinking that since Love is often held as most precious above all, that somehow this most perfect thing would need to be held in jeopardy, presumably by the nemesis.


This creates a huge motivator for a final conflict. Or, borrowing from Return of the Jedi, perhaps the villain is threatening to turn Jan to the Dark side, rather than kill her (presuming she Force sensitive).


This is fun to speculate about ;)

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It wont really be that long before we start to get some details through will it? I mean concrete details, none of the rumour stuff.


Shall we take bets on when the plot comes through from LEC?, I'd say *5 weeks max* - any improvements on 5? ;)





Yay, im past 100 posts! Doing it the normal way *cough cough* captain rave....

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Love can be an exceptionally powerful motivator. It was an underlying theme of ESB, and that turned out to be the best in the series, IMHO. Another film I enjoyed immensely in which love played a major part was Braveheart. Wallace took revenge on the entire English nation for injustice, which was triggered by the death of his wife. In a way, Gladiator reflected on this theme - Maximus is thinking about home and his family at the start and end of the film.


It could make for a very strong underlying theme in Jedi Outcast. As I said before, the foundations were laid mostly in the books, but not really explored in any depth.


In a way, Kyle's feelings for Jan did arise in Jedi Knight - the internal conflict during the cut scene when he could either choose to kill or save her. I'd like to think in the Light version that it is his love for Jan that prevents him from turning to the Dark Side. :)

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Good point, ESB was my favourite as well.


However, this talk about love could potentially make it a very compelling game BUT they must do it right or it could turn out to be very cheesy, and instead of people wanting to see the cutscenes again, their finger will be going straight for the ESC key every time...


Love would be better as an underlying theme rather than a main story anyway IMO, and as much as I think it could be good, they are going to focus on this 'dark jedi' sort of person again..


We will have to wait and see!



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Guest Krayt Tion
Of course, that means she'd be captured by the villain, and giving Kyle an extra-huge incentive to go rescue the love of his life.


Jan was captured by Jabba along with Kyle, both were taken aboard Jabba's personal ship after it tractor beamed the Moldy Crow as it was leaving Nar Shaddaa. After Kyle escaped his death-by-Kell-Dragon fate he had to resque Jan, who we did finally get to see in game when he found her.


This all happened in the original Dark Forces of course... they were definitely still friends after that from what we can gather.


Hmm, nothing else to add at this time, except that the plot of JK2 should be deeper imo then anything they've done in DF or JK.

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I don't know, I'm more of a Crow fan when it comes to matters of love and justice...

For me this movie proves that there is nothing cliche...it all comes down to the way you present things to an audience.

The "save the princess" kind of plot is great for games like Donkey Kong or something. If LA starts thinking about making a plot like that, they'll have to put a lot of effort in it 'cause otherwise it will be as cliche as it could get...

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Guest Vagabond

How did this discussion devolve from discussing love as a progression of Kyle's and Jan's relationship to cyber-porn? It's fairly safe to say that we won't be seeing any nude people in JKII.


Did anyone ever wonder if there would have been any jealously brewing between Jan and Mara Jade in Mysteries of the Sith? Could have turned into a real cat fight ;)

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Clearly Jan has feelings for the Katarn. Why else would she show such dedication to him?


I like the idea about Jan being somehow corrupted by the Dark Jedi, Thrawn (the mastermind) and their Force-channeling technology.


Raven/LEC need to develop that story, and wrap it around lots of laser blasts, stormies, GNK Power droids, the Force, Dark Jedi and lightsabers.


Nothing wrong with the old 'damsel in distress' story. The reason it's used so much is because it works.

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Guest Vagabond

What if Kyle or Jan had siblings? Or, what if Kyle and Jan were brother and sister?


Them being brother and sister would definitely fall within the Star Wars tradition, but would it be too much? For me, that was a big bite to swallow the first time around, so I don't know that it would be palatable as a second-helping.


So let's take a closer look at Kyle or Jan having siblings. Oh! I have it!


What if Kyle had a brother - a brother that was also strong with the Force - a brother that had succumbed to the dark side of the Force? This would be a good story. It's perfect! It's a story about temptation, disgrace, family, and redemption. Kyle's brother once a promising officer with the Alliance, suddenly disappeared and hadn't been heard from in the years since. The chilling truth is that his brother had uncovered an ancient Jedi artifact filled with the secrets of the dark side. At first repulsed, then torn and ashamed, Kyle's brother is soon seduced by the dark side, thus beginning his lustful quest for power.


After years of relative peace, Kyle is summoned by the New Republic, and ordered to clandestinely investigate strange reports in the outer rim territories. Reluctantly, Kyle agreed, and upon arrival started putting the pieces of the puzzle together - a Dark Jedi. Kyle must face him. And it's then does Kyle realized that it's his own long-lost brother. Does he fight him? Does he kill him? Does he attempt to save him? The conflict here is great and compelling. I personally love this idea, even if I did come up with it on my own ;)


Granted, it's a bit like the Vader / Luke conflict, but this is brother -vs- brother, surely something that many of us males can relate to.


So, what do you think?

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thats a nice idea vag, Bro v.s Bro. Whoever wins gets to rag Jan!


Nah, only kidding. That would be interesting, having to destory your own brother.. it would be a very immersive plot -slighlty cathartic but never the less, its a new idea to mull over...




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