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Yah, new preview at gamesmania!


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hmm....yes...id like to see how it could be deflected as well

like wilhuf said, it cant be like a baseball only because the lightsaber is energy and can cut through almost anything, where as a thermal detonator is matter, and not super enduring at that...

im eager to see how it turns out!

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u can deflect blaster shots with your byrar if u take advantage of the lobby error in CTF Nar(jump off in waiting area into pit fall so that you are swinging saber when u fade away - you'll be able to deflect blaster shots with your byrar until the next time u die!)

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One level we saw seemed to indicate superior noise reaction too. Kyle was hidden around a corner, and made some slight noise. The Stormtroopers commented on it, almost like the guards of Thief. When the noise didn't persist, they relaxed.


OK, everyone talking about the thermal detonator enigma, but when I read the review I couldnt help but find this interesting. This stands, to me, as being something that will greatly increase the SP aspect of the game. Having been in some more recent games I relise, but it will add a great element to the SW gameplay. An AI element that sadly was weak in JK.

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a thermal detonator wouldnt explode because its not a conventions explosive... just the same way a nuke wont explode if it is dropped, or sliced through with a saber... the detonater has to complete a circut, or do something-or-another wich isnt done by cutting it...

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The thing that made Elite Force good for me was they way you had to think, but you didnt have to think. On the dreadnought you could either fight the enemy, or think strategically and destroy the things they beams in with. In some cases if you used your mind instead of your gun all the time you could complete the levels in half the time. I really hope this kind of intelligence is build into JK2.

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