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Yah, new preview at Gamespot!


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Very impressive. I like the note about how the AI will actually jump or duck over and under your lightsaber attacks. Also like how the stormtrooper squads will behave with morale based on how well they and their COs do against you.


[ July 31, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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Like Jedi Knight, Katarn will automatically block laser bolts with his saber if he's facing his aggressor, and for a fraction of force power from his force meter, he'll be able to deflect these bolts back at the person who fired them.


Looks like block is a force power - what might this bode for application of the force power that deflects it back at the person in blocking sabers?


Saber control will be tied to a combination of mouse movement and direction keys, not unlike Max Payne's "shootdodge" technique.


I never played max payne.. could someone please tell me what "shootdodge" is? :)


Lightsaber duels with Sith lords will almost seem as if they're taken right out of the movies. Here, enemy AI will be smart enough to deftly maneuver away from your swings and parry with blows of its own when you leave yourself open. During one such scene, a Sith lord managed to dodge Katarn's sword swings by jumping over one and ducking under another.


nice :)


Just sounds better and better :)

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If lightsaber control is based in some way on mouse movement, this brings up that old ugly topic we beat to death back on Obi-Wankenobi.net about 'glyph.'


If saber control is somehow based on mouse movement, then how will this affect the way we use the mouse to both look around and attack with our lightsaber? For instance, how can I freelook with my mouse while controlling my lightsaber?

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hopefully it will be not so much like the glyph system so you can free look with the mouse while still handling your saber, because even a toggle key between "saber and look" would be too complicated in a room full of stormies...or a battle with a dark jedi...you will have to be able to look and swing at the same time, so im thinking there will be a new type of system up ravens sleeve...

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Hmm anything more complicated the the JK saber controls would be almost usless with higher levels of speed and jump. It might work OK for NF but still. Hopefully you will be able to have some options as far as saber control. Still, it could turn out that an experienced player using JK type controls could out flank and therefor easily kill a player using a comberson saber system, even in NF. Newbies and casual gamers often don't "get it" that what looks or sounds good isn't always the most effective technique. Sort of like the player who gets the surge in BGJ and just stands there holding down the lightning button. He's an easy kill for a hardcore JKer.

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From what I heard about Obi-Wan, the player would have have the option to use the glyth system or a JK styel control, I hope Raven has that in mind (The control options i mean). Having a comberson control system can really ruin a game because it can make it frustrating rather then enjoyable. Take TPM for instance.

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LOL the people who complain are always the ones with the substandard equipment. I have a GeForce 3 class V card and I plan on upgrading to a 1.2+ GHz CPU before JK2 comes out.


Now that I think about it, many people who play JK still play it because they simply don't have the hardware or connection to play anything else.


Anyway, JK2 isn't finished so don't go *itching about the textures and what not. Just look at the previous ones and say "hey, it keeps getting better all the time :)"

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OH BTW do you use GAYoL/AoHell/Aol? I think I read somewhere that there $hitty browers may reduces the resolution of some image types so you can download it faster on a crappy GAYoL contection. There should be an option in that net newbie brain dribble they call software to turn that off though. Compu$hit, or perhaps other ISPs might do that as well, but I know AoHELL has that.


[ August 01, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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Hmm anything more complicated the the JK saber controls would be almost usless with higher levels of speed and jump. It might work OK for NF but still.


It could be true. The opposite could also be true. We don't know of course until we actually try the game. We don't even know yet how fast the 'higher levels of speed and jump' will be. (They might be much slower than four-star speed.) Nor do we know exactly what the saber control mechanism will be.


... So many unfounded assumptions that Jedi Outcast will be so similar to the original Jedi Knight... So many assumptions that the old rules of Jedi Knight will apply to Jedi Outcast...

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yes, i agree...people just need to shell out the money for a new system...its getting insane, if they cant, they should get a job, if they are too young, they should ask/beg parents, if they cant, they need to stop complaining, and leave JK2 alone for the rest of us who can!

and yeah, ive heard about that GayOL thing too...God...once i get off Windows i will be monopoly free!

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Originally posted by Wilhuf

If saber control is somehow based on mouse movement, then how will this affect the way we use the mouse to both look around and attack with our lightsaber? For instance, how can I freelook with my mouse while controlling my lightsaber?


Perhaps the freelooking is the part of the attack the mouse is used for. For instance if you look up and attack you have a better chance of a "head shot" as it were. Equally, if you angle down then a leg hit. There are many slight variations, and in combination with attack keys which decide what kind of attck it is (ie over head, swipe, diagonal slash), all equate to where the attack lands. If it's not blocked that is....

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Could be, Syndrix. In that case, where you aim at your target affects the type of attack. An aim-based attack. (Compared with mouse movement based attacks, where the actual movement of the mouse changes the attack). Perhaps it will be a combination of the two?


Could someone please describe how MaxPayne shootdodge works?

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How about this:


During normal play, moving the mouse up/down/left/right causes Kyle to look in the corresponding direction as you would expect from normal mouselook.


When Kyle wants to use his saber, he can use one or other of the mouse buttons (depending on what sort of move he wants to do). With the button depressed, the player then moves the mouse up/down/left/right, and the saber then moves in the corresponding direction. For example, pressing "mouse button 1 + mouse up" would cause you to uppercut your enemy. As soon as the button is released you return to freelook mode.


This, in my opinion, would be far better than having freelook permanently on. I think it should be temporarily suspended whilst you are making a saber move (note: only during the move, not for the whole fight). The reason is that personally I would find it highly irritating if every time I went to uppercut my enemy with the saber I found myself staring at the ceiling, or if every time I wanted to slash at his legs I had to bend over like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Kyle should be able to swing the saber high or low, but he shouldn't have to move his whole torso up or down in order to do so.


Well, that's what I think, anyway. :)

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Yep I agree, I'd like to keep freelook permanently active. Gameplay would be very interrupted if freelook switched off every time I made a lightsaber attack.


Maybe the attacks will be as stated, dependent on mouse movement, but freelook simply remains active. If you're panning up during a saber attack, the saber attack is high. If you're panning down, the saber attack is low, if you are not panning, the attack is level, etc.


[ August 02, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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