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Kyle's Abilities


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Will there be flips and stuff like that? Cause in my opinion those sort of things should have been incorporated into JK1. But I just think it would be cool to see him flip,have a grappling hook, and perhaps a kicking ability. Tell me wacha think guys!

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I just found this slightly amusing. Pretzel, a good number of your posts on this forum are probably reminders to people that their thread has already been brought up previously. Give it a rest. I think if it was so important to reuse the old topics then the moderators would put up a big message on the main forum page or something. I'm not looking to start a flame war with you, but I just thought that was interesting.

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rolsen, I just don't understand your POV at all. Do you disagree that there might be good info back in that thread? Do you disagree that it might be a pain to retype it all again? Do you disagree that being redundant is pointless? Do you invite it being crowded for no reason? Do you feel that SSJGoku87's feelings are hurt for cryin' out loud?!


PreTZel wasn't snobby or mean about it either. He helped him in good spirits. Maybe you're (rolsen) just a lazy person who likes to be spoonfed and always takes the easy way out and whine when you don't get what you want?


[rant off]

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I apologize if I came across that way. Don't get me wrong bsbuckeye21, but I agree with your logic about previous posts. I've just never been to a forum that cares this much about reusing old topics, that's all. In other forums no one seems to care if new threads are started. I just thought it was interesting that this forum takes the time to reuse old threads, and members actively encourage that. Sorry if I offended you in any way.


[ August 02, 2001: Message edited by: rolsen ]

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Back on the belated Obi-Wankenobi.net, we discussed probably 80% or so of the topics we see here. If I had my way, we'd still be using those threads instead of new ones. ;) But, OWK.net is no more, so it goes.


We are generally agreed here that we like to have a discussion on a thread, and develop a history, rather than stringing out fragments of discussion across many incomplete threads. That is fair and reasonable.


Of course it always helps when users and moderators post the acutal link to the thread if it has already been created. *hint*


Anyway, back OT, I'd definitely like to see kick as a gameplay option. Would be fun to slash at your opponent with a saber and issue the coup de grace with a final, humiliating kick.

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This reusing of old threads isn't necessarily the great thing it's made out to be. I've seen both styles tried on various forums, and the omnipresent "we've already discussed this" thing has a tendency to squelch new ideas on a subject. You probably don't mean it that way, but that's how it works out a lot of the time.


People see a big thread on a subject and they think "Sheesh, they must have discussed all that there is to talk about on that topic, I guess I won't bother". Or they get slapped down so vehemently for posting a new thread on a well-traveled subject that they resent it and never bother to post again.


In the long term, a forum needs new blood or it'll grow stagnant. The loss or reduction of it has always seemed a heavy price to pay just to spare us forum regulars the "trauma" of seeing something discussed twice, but maybe that's just me. :)

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flips are aesthetics.. I will take em or leave em.

grapple, well pointless all hail force jump..

unless the game features nf players with ff players (requires major rethink of speed and pull from jk) then a grapples a must, that or a jet pack.. or character dependant atleast..


kick pointless for jedi, sorry but a kicks when I could cut someone up.. why!?

maybe for nf again.. but then I would have a blaster :D

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i think that you dont really need kick

i mean, isnt a punch enough

but both of them are so crap anyway, its not worth even bothering

besides, how could they actually implement the kick, wouldn't it look spastic from 1st person perspective

i think it would be too hard to implement

and is more trouble than its worth

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Guest Kettch

Without the kick, you loose some "Duel of the Fates" feeling.

There should be some martial arts in JK2, the kick or punch should damage the enemy and push him a little bit away.


It's not hard to put a kick in, there are JK and MotS mods (SPORK, SBX, NK...) in which kicks are implemented.

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I think they should do the kick only if they use motion capture and Raven fly me over to their HQ for a few days work.


I can do a mean "yop chaghi" side kick. :)


on a serious note, I don't think a kick is necessary, yes Darth Maul did it, but that was just for the film. If they can make the fists look good and be powerful, there will be no need..



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i think the fists should be powerful too, one hit takes down StormTroopers. of couse, not in multiplayer, but after a couple, you shouldnt be too healthy. and how about blocking? i mean you can block punches, and a Jedi could REALLY easily, so, should there be some auto-block on punches? or would that just confuzzle things more?

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OWK.net is no more


Has anyone ever thought this sight is OWK.net I mean the whole sight looks just like it the news setup, the menu on the left, the forums, and it even says just like OWK.net that you should check back after JK2's release for multiplayer info and not to mention it's a ".net" not like most ".com".


Anyway I hope they put in some acrobatics cause that stuff just looks cool. :cool:

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