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Reloading Weapons


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definitely NO reloading, like before mentioned, it is a deathmatch, and in like quake you dont reload, why would you in JK? it never happens in SW, that was also already mentioned....there is no reason to bring reloads in, you hear that Raven? heh ;)

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Guest Krayt Tion

Why is the clip on a stormie rifle there- for decoration? No. It has a function that we never got to see used. None of the stormies needed to reload a clip, they never even fired off enough shots in one sitting that we got to see. There were no drawn out fire fights that featured even one person taking enough shots in which a clip needed to be reloaded.


If you saw a storm trooper constantly firing off over 20 shots, the camera never leaving his side, and he didn't reload, then your point would be valid.

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Reloading is for the most part a bad idea. As far as we know, JK did reload. All energy weapons had a max of 500 energy or power cells, maybe that was because there were 500 round clips. People say that reloading adds more realism to the game, but keep in mind that this isn't Half-Life or S.W.A.T. 3, it's Star Wars. Games like the S.W.A.T. series are based on realistic events, whereas

the Jedi Knight series is based on the non-realistic Star Wars universe. Blasters do not fire cartridges as in the two mentioned above, they fire laser beams created by heat, think of the energy and power cells as batteries that charge up heat and just lose power, unlike a clip that looses individual bullets. The main reason that I hate reloading though is because it slows down gameplay and leaves you extremely vulnerable in a fire fight, thus making the game somewhat less enjoyable. Why sacrifice fun for realism?

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but outlaws...has absolutely nothing to do with star wars...

i have no idea what outlaws is like, but it sounds like an "old west" type game....they would obviously HAVE to reload, they dont have energy weapons or anything like that...

it just doesnt seem right...

think about reloading your conc in nf ji...can you see that being believeable??

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In A New Hope, Princess Leia has to load her blaster when she is providing covering fire for Luke Skywalker just before they swing across the Death Star Chasm. She does this several times during the gunfight. Either she is reloading, recalibrating, or re-arming the blaster. So, there is a precedent for reloading in the Star Wars films.


I hope they have reloading in the game. I dont see why they couldn't make the rifle like an old semi-automatic M-1 rifle. You add a clip and fire until the clip is spent. You then add in a new clip to reload. You would have to press a key to actually swap in the new clip. Kinda like half-life's reloading system, or Outlaws, as was said.


[ July 25, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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Guest Krayt Tion

I forgot she loaded her blaster there, I'm glad someone remembered, makes my point even more valid, and saves me from having to bust out my screenshots of DF and JK showing all the clips (call them whatever you want you to, damn, enegry clips, energy packs, or even 'thingies that must be stuck in the gun that let it go bam bam') that you add to pick up to get ammo into your gun. The only thing we were missing was the reloading animation. Now hopefully you can see it comes down to play mechanics that you personally enjoy, not some silly notion that clips don't fit into the Star Wars Universe at all.


Some more on that note, even if there were no evidence of guns being loaded in SW: I disagree with such a Black and White cookiecutter version of how the Star Wars universe is "unrealistic." The core of Star Wars is grounded in humanity, with it's main characters functioning for the most part within human abilites and emotions. Many people can easily see themselves existing in the Star Wars Universe if it were possible, because there are so many deliberate parallels between our worlds. One of these parellels is definitely technology. From the Corellian Corvette, a throwback to the George Lucas' love of street racing autos in the US, to the more obvious Stormtrooper Rifle, almost completely modeled off of a British rifle from one of the World Wars. The mere fact that we are able dicuss the technology of Star Wars comparatively and in light of our own should say something as well.

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how about having power ports in the walls (like half life) that power up your power cells?? just a thought.


then maybe you could overlaod your weapons by overfilling their power cells... making them far more powerful, but likely to break, jam, overheat or something....


as for reloading... as long as it is automatic (like half life) i don't mind... but i don't need another button to worry about..

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I like the wall-mounted power station idea. Would add a little bit of strategy to gameplay: control the ammo stations to dominate a map. While we're at it, medical droids (a la Nar Shadda loading terminal) would be cool in place of (or in addition to) bacta packs.

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Guest Krayt Tion

we don't have legal possession of any of these ideas to the best of my limited knowledge. i am sure though that if anyone here sent any of our unsolicited ideas for a game to them it would in fact become their intellectual property.


besides, no one is going to sue for including reloading animations featured in part of this discussion, 'cept maybe those deathmatch purists claiming the slightly altered pace of the game has ruined the enjoyment in their lives and caused them to be hospitalized for substance abuse as a result. ;)


[ July 27, 2001: Message edited by: Krayt Tion ]

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i would bet a very needed part of my anatomy to bet that most people here(including me) would love to have LEC/Raven use our idea, that IS the main reason we come up with them in the first place, is it not?


as too overheating... it been mostly used in SW books/maybe film, for explosions. somebody sets their blaster to overheat, and it explodes, opening a wall, or whatever needed. hmm, thats not a bad idea either, sort of a crude prox mine. of course we already have those, so, i dunno if the idea is good for anything then, i guess i'll file it with the rest of 'em.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Check out this image ! If you're interested in learining who this Dark Jedi babe is, check out the topic JK II inside info/ spoilers." (read the first page)


Uhh... sorry to dissapoint you, but that's 'Mara Jade' from a Star Wars Galaxy Magazine photo feature.


Oh, and regarding weapon reloads, I hope they put them in, but have a decent clip capacity (12+ for pistols, 25/30 for the E-11).


[ August 09, 2001: Message edited by: Jedi_Tyrael ]

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I think there should be reloading for weapons that cant be deflected by the saber.. ie.. the blaster can be used till outta ammo, cos it can bedeflected, but the rocket or something similar should need to be reloaded every few shots.. that would make things fair to everyone.. dontcha think??? :cool:

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Well if one would have to look at the weapons in SW and then try to be realistic about it i'd have to say that reloading SHOULD be applied.

Why?? well simple really the weapons are all/mostly energy based not object or "bullet" based.

It's therefore fair to assume that a "clip", which is essentially a battery, after it's depleted should be replaced, hence the reloading.

Unless ofcourse there is a way (any way) to somehow recharge it and therefore never having to replace it.

Well my $0.02 cents on this subject....have a nice day.... ;)

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