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whoopie! a new screen!

Obi Kwan

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Force pushing a stormtrooper into a pit. Cool. Nice laser blast coming from another stormtrooper. We also see a basic HUD here. Doubtful that this will be the final one, but nice to see at least.


Another thing... the third person view is quite close to Kyle Katarn. Too close for saber combat, perhaps. Will there be different camera places in 3rd person view?

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AHH, I can't wait anymore for this game! Thats a good point canoli, I wouldn't have noticed that, I like the way the stormie is surrounded by the cloud thing, looks very nice but not overdoing it either...




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Another thing... the third person view is quite close to Kyle Katarn. Too close for saber combat, perhaps. Will there be different camera places in 3rd person view?


Well looking at the rest of the picture it seems that Kyle is standing back against the wall, that'd explain the close rear view.

I don't think they'll have different cam options...

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I don't think so. from the look of the screenshot, the pit and a few other things look a bit blocky, and the people that acctually saw the demo JK2 level said that was a bit short. so I think thay really had to rush things just to get that E3 demo made and we won't be seeing any new levels in the next screenshot(s).

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In Q3 tech, the end user can set the camera distance (cg_thirdPersonRange )and azimuth (cg_thirdPersonAngle) to whatever they like. So you can zoom far out or in, and rotate the camera around the player.


The view we see in that new shot is probably slightly closer to Kyle because either Raven deliberately moved the camera closer or because there is a wall behind Kyle and the camera has moved forward to avoid blocking the view.


Moreover, raven implemented a very sophisticated camera in Heretic 2. It allows you to fix a camera at a single point in a room, for example. The camera can pan with the action, so you could watch the action as if it were a movie. Maybe JKO will also support some of these features.


Cool pic too. I don't see any targeting reticles for Force Push. Who knows if this really means push will have an area affect or if it does indeed snap to a single target, but no reticle is displayed.

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Wilhuf...I think it's hard to justify the claim that their won't be a targeting recitle for force powers based on that shot. The force push is already being executed so the targeting system could have already disappeared at that point. But, no way to know yet.



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thats a detail, a very important detail, but still a detail, if it is going to be used in any form (which im positive it will be) then im sure it will be added at a point much nearer to completion :)

itll probably even look cooler than it did in JK...

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That screen is from the demo level

How do you know?You watched the demo?

If you did I guess you can clarify about the camera and the reticle

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Well, I didn't personally see the demo level at e3, in fact I wasn't there. But, from all the other screens and video clips it seems like that screen would go along with what we've been seeing. I guess there is a possiblity that this new screen was not from the demo level, but wouldn't they give us a new environment if they had it available?



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Originally posted by digl:


How do you know?You watched the demo?

If you did I guess you can clarify about the camera and the reticle</STRONG>


uhhhhh yes, in the downloads section, and the level only looks freaky cause they turned down the resoulution OR the map texture detail, dont get all bent outta shape, also there is NO aiming recticle in thirdperson view.


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I think I'd prefer push to be an area affect anyway. Maybe if it had some kind of immunity to allies or non-enemy characters. Wouldn't want to accidentaly push Jan off a cliff... then again, it would be kind of amusing ;)


The cloud-thing... Well, I really hope that you get the option to turn it off, I'd rather my force powers weren't accompanied by a weird visual effect. I'll know what I'm pushing off a cliff when I see it falling to it's gory death.


And as far as the targeting recitle for other force powers, I dunno, wouldn't it be better if you could just aim at what you wanted to use your force powers on rather than moving around waiting for the recticle to target the thing you're trying to get it to target?

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I agree. I'd rather have an area affect force push, rather than a target-specific affect. Kind of a blunt instrument. You could use push to defend teammates as well, just push them out of harm's way if needed.


And I do like that force push 'cloud' graphic. It probably looks very good in full 90 frames per second animation.

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The cloud of force looks very cool and in game with it moving it will be really cool. I just hope its not the same color. The color now is a grayish blue (but its more gray). I want it to (when i play the game in the dark) light up my room and make me drul from the eyecandy. So what I'm saying is that I'm hopeing that the color is cooler looking!!!!!!!!!

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