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My JK2 suggestions (Balance of Gameplay)

Guest Kettch

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Guest Kettch

I think the usage of weapons in JK2 should

be more tactical and balanced out like in Counter Strike.


If should depend on the weapons, how fast you move.

The heavier the weapon, the slower you can move. And remember: You have to aim with a gun while running, because of that you even can't run! (With a lightsabre or Thermal Detonator you needn't to aim, so the thermal detonator is more useful.)


1= fastest moving speed

9= slowest moving speed


1. Fists

2. Lightsabre

3. Thermal Detonator

4. Byrar Pistol (only one hand needed to

hold and to aim)

5. E-11 Blaster Rifle

6. Repeater Gun

7. Bowcaster

8. Rail Detonator/ Rocket Launcher

9+10. Concussion Rifle and Sniper Weapon


With a gun you shouldn't be able to use the force because most of the forces you see in the movies are "spelled" by a "free" hand. You should have one hand "free" to use the force. With two hands "free" (fists) all forces should be stronger when you use them.The moving of the hand to "spell" a Force Skill only helps the Jedi to concentrate him/herself.)


I find the idea "blocking costs force" (along with "manual blocking ability which should depend mainly on player skill)

good, but the Force costs for that should be balanced out and you should not be able to block and use the force simultanousely (if blocking costs force).

In overall you should'nt be able to use two Force Powers simultanousley, its too unrealistic and you don't see them do that in the movies.

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Guest Kettch

No spamming here plz I want to hear real ideas, and not all like braindead-games in those all guys with the biggest gun and the fastest moving speed are winning.


I want to use my brain and JK2 will have more adventure elements :).


I think also Counter-Strike is so successful because of being tactical...

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Team Fortress Classic for Half-Life was reasonably balanced (ya I'm sure not everyone agrees on this) for class based play, adjusting player movement, firepower, armor etc. It's not out of the question that Jedi Outcast could also trade movement and firepower. But I would expect this for personalities type play rather than generic Jedi v Jedi combat.


Although I wouldn't vote for it myself for Jedi Outcast, it can be done reasonably well.

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While everyone is entitled to thier own opinion, the last thing I want to see is JK2 turn into Counter Strike.


I personally have never really liked it, although I do play Urban Terror (a TC for Q3A, but I know one of the developemnet team so I'm biased). JK had a style of gameplay that was fast yet not chaotic and out of control, I dont mind if its slowed down, but I definately dont want to see it slowed down by that monster reality. Some games are very realistic and tactical, and thats fine, but its not where IMHO JK2 should go.


While I agree it could be done, I wouldnt like it.


[ August 06, 2001: Message edited by: Syndrix ]

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hmm I used more tactics in jk with only 3 guns useable then I found I needed in cs.. you just need to sit watching a door in cs for 5 hours, and if jk2 turns out anything like that I will be forced to kill myself.


I want jk2 to be dm.. if people want to make cs like mods fine.. but DM games imho require just as much, if not more tactical skill then cs..

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Guest Celestial

Counter-Strike isnt that tactical. You should try Tribes 2. Now thats teamwork. CS is just point and shoot. Yes the gameplay was balanced with guns and what not, but i never had to think twice about shooting whoever crossed my path.


Although I do think you have a point. JK lacked because of teamwork and the gameplay was offset. Hopefully JK2 requires alot more tactical knowledge as well as teamwork to win games. Of course speaking upon CTF, deathmatch is deathmatch not much you can do with it.


I just look forward to some awesome lightsaber duels. Hopefully, I can get ReaListik back into it.

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the tactics required in 1 v 1 dm are rarely recognised tho.. I personally love 1 v 1s, I dont have the nerve to play it properly :/ I can't handle pressure :)


jk doubles also needed more team work then seen on most "team" games, which when played on open servers suck, as its just 40 player dm, where you lose points for killing 20 of them :)

people who played jk doubles usually wanted to play team play, so the games got team play. although 3v3, and 4v4 clan matches should be possible in jk2..

team play done properly with 2 people tho is lots of fun, like tennis double style team play..

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Guest Krayt Tion

Torment, there are ways of disagreeing with people that don't involve insulting other's core lifestyles at the same time. Please find them.


Back on topic, I might welcome a change that would make some facets of JK2 multiplayer more tactical and calculated. This is simply because pure deathmatch has gone sour with me as of late. Let me get back to you with some ideas.

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as for a free hand needed for force using, thats not true, because it is just a thing done to show us (the audience) that some jedi mind trick, or force related thing is going on. jedi wouldnt need to move a hand or anything but use their mind, so, distraction (and their potential) is the only thing that could limit the jedi.

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I'd like to state that I dont see any problem with JK2 being more tactical, I just dont want it to get too realistic with different weapons changing your running speed etc.

I actually want JK2 to be more tactical, this is part of what balance is. When you are trying to find an equilibrium in MP you have to take tactics into account. If you dont, then someone with find tactics that grossely misbalance the game.

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i think you all are missing the point...JK2 is first and formost a FANTASY single player game not CS, not tribes and not Q3. why oh why would we want to start mini managing weapon movement etc?...in single player im sure most of us will be using lightsabes anyway...and in multiplayer hell i think it will be the same...

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Or perhaps, Dante you're missing the point that Jedi Knight will feature a prominent multiplayer component? And that there is nothing wrong with drawing from other game examples to make suggestions for Jedi Outcast.


As Syndrix and others have pointed out, multiplayer should support tactical play.


I seriously doubt many will want to rely on the lightsaber exclusively for single and multi player enjoyment. Many are going to want to pick the right weapon for the job and have a fun time doing it. Gimme the guns, Raven!


MotS pulled off class-based play reasonably well (not perfect, but adequate). Why couldn't Jedi Outcast?


Besides, it isn't as if you would actually have to do anything special or difficult to select and use a character class.


Hopefully Jedi Outcast will feature both Jedi v Jedi and class-based personality play. Jedi v Jedi would not feature class differences, while personalities would. I don't think we've heard word at all on this so I am assuming at this point that personalities play is not being implemented.

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Well, I prefer my DM to be untainted with anything tatical, but CTF with the potential for extensive teamwork, tatical strategy turns me on. I'd love to see a even larger version of The Challenge at Nar Shaddaa done in a 4 v 4 or 8 v 8 enviorment. If they work various classes into it, even better :)


Note: CTF Q3 isn't actually CTF. Its DM with several people fighting and one person running like hell. Do NOT consider it material for basing CTF off of in Jk2.

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