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Originally posted by Wilhuf:

<STRONG>So what can you tell us about LICH?</STRONG>


Short answer: nothing.


Long answer: bugger all.


I read it on the <A HREF="http://www.storm.hammer.btinternet.co.uk/jofaq.htm">FAQ</A> at <A HREF="http://www.storm.hammer.btinternet.co.uk/johq.htm">StormHammer's Jedi Outcast HQ</A>:

Raven have developed their own additions to the Q3A engine, including a hit zone and animation system known as GHOUL2, a scripting system known as ICARUS, and an advanced AI system known as LICH. They have also managed to tweak the engine to produce twice the number of polygons on screen, which should result in more detailed environments.


Ask StormHammer, I would. :)

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It would be great to see some decent Team like AI from Stormies, at least until they spot you and come runnig at you shooting.


It looks from the screenshots like they might actually walk around in formation. Think how much more atmosphere would be got if they talked, and pointed and gave orders.


Eg: you are hiding and 10 stormtroopers march in. If you resist the impulse to attack them then 1 of them motions to the door and says "you two wait here" and then the others march off. Then the others stand there, shuffle occasionally, discuss what is going on. etc... It could all be pre-scripted until they actually spot you, but it would add a lot of atmosphere, a bit like in theif.

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Originally posted by TomS:

<STRONG>Eg: you are hiding and 10 stormtroopers march in. If you resist the impulse to attack them then 1 of them motions to the door and says "you two wait here" and then the others march off. Then the others stand there, shuffle occasionally, discuss what is going on. etc... It could all be pre-scripted until they actually spot you, but it would add a lot of atmosphere, a bit like in theif.</STRONG>


There is a scripted moment very much like this in MotS on level 2, while you are exploring the asteroid. Basically, you went up a lift, got to the top, picked up a key, and when you came to go down the lift again, there were about 10 stormtroopers entering the room below you. I'd really love to see scripted moments like this in JK2.

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Originally posted by DashRendar1:

<STRONG>I would love to hear the conversations between stormies!</STRONG>


This was done a couple of times in Elite Force. An example is this one place where you are onboard the scavenger station and you have to climb over a beam above a room filled with Klingons. You hear the Klingons talk about how they hate working together with the Humans and the other aliens.

It would suprise me if they didn't do things like that in JK2. But what would be even better if they made it so the AI characters interact with each other without having to script it (at random). Like people saying hello to each other in the streets. Just little things like that which make the game seem more real. Complete intelligent conversations at random would be kinda hard to program, but that would be even better.

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Yeah, some of the scripted moments in Elite Forceare brilliant. There's another bit on the scavenger vessel when you walk past a slightly open door and the guys inside say "did you hear something?". A moment later a few of them come out of the door to check it out. You have to hide yourself, coz if they spot you, one of them will raise the alarm.


I agree, these sort of moments do make the game far more cinematic.

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