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i think its safe to assume matt-windu never ventured into the competitive gaming scene on the zone.


WD(Wielders of the Darkside) is the oldest recognizable expert clan in JK and was once the best FF clan. Its a big pile of poo-poo now tho.

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yeah...but i wouldnt say as far as "poo-poo" they are still decent....but theyve lost their dominating complete competitive edge they used to have...but dont get me wrong, they could all beat me easily, i still respect them :)

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Oh don't worry, WD will own in JK2. It's just that many of our members have been around since the oct 97 and are a bit bored with JK. JK is more or less dead and there isn't much compitition. I think WD_SpAnKeR and WD_Lonewolf won a tourney a couple day ago though :)


Just wait for the Gambit, Luke18 and many others to return...


[ July 31, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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just reading the above few posts, its good to see some of the players i thought were great people coming back, and since Jk is starting to lose its charm, it will be good to give ytou guys a coupla games when JK2 comes out.


(for those who are wondering who the hell i am, i was a hardcore player bck in 98 untill my 'puter fkt up something chronic.) :mad:

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Clan : WD

Name : Weilders of the Darkside

Roster : Luke16, Tarkin, Death, Saberist, BLITZ, Pants, Raster, Charlie, Scarface, MaDruk, Josh515, Narbes, NiftySaber, Nightmarez, Nikola_G



HDK IS ELITE mauahhahah

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