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How to approach a girl?


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Well young Jedi, you walk a fine line - Too eager and you will lose your attraction; too laid back and you will be unnoticed.


Bagging a woman is like being a Jedi. You must practice and learn when to make the right move based on your instincts and then, and only then, will you know when it is safe to use your Sabre.


Seriously though buddy don't wait too long to make your move or you will be sorely dissappointed by the rejection or sorely disappointed by the anticlimax of actually winning her heart. You should start asking the question 'Do you really like her or do you like the idea of her?'


Good Luck Young Jedi ;)

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Just walk up and say "Hi". Introduce yourself to her and smile when you do. If you know something about her then ask her how she feels about _______ [insert things she's interested in here]. Be a good listener. If it appears she may be interested in you then meet her for lunch or something and go from there. It all starts with looks but you may or may not be meant to be together. If she's not interested, don't worry about it and turn your eyes elsewhere. There are only 2billion other females on the planet to choose from.

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Originally posted by engineerdude

Just walk up and say "Hi". Introduce yourself to her and smile when you do. If you know something about her then ask her how she feels about _______ [insert things she's interested in here]. Be a good listener. If it appears she may be interested in you then meet her for lunch or something and go from there. It all starts with looks but you may or may not be meant to be together. If she's not interested, don't worry about it and turn your eyes elsewhere. There are only 2billion other females on the planet to choose from.


After reading all the posts here I'm supprised it took so long for someone to say that. Girls love to talk and love a man who will shut up and listen to them. If you listen and generally seem intersted, you have an edge over the competition.


Heres a list of my general "girl getting" advice.


1) Be a good listener. I already covered this so I wont repeat myself.


2)Be yourself but be selective of what you reveal at first. If you are a game freak (appropriate for this board) dont go on for hours about how cool JK2 is and how you kicked @$$ the last MO game you played. Girls arent usually big game fans and will most lilely think you are a dork if you act this way. You dont have to hide that you like games but be mideful of what she will actually be interested in learning about you. Also, if you tend to be a slob, clean yourself up and wear nice clothes around her. Women are a lot cleaner than us cave dwelling men so it helps to look presentable.


3) Learn to flirt. A wink and a smile can take you a long way if you know how to use them. Just dont over do the flirting or she'll think you are comming on strong or are some sort of pervert.


4) Complement her. Girs eat up complements as much as they do listening. Complements can be over done so you have to be careful. Also, try to keep from using the obvious ones (hair, eyes, etc). Those arent bad but you'll make a better impression if you go for the not so obvious. Find something she's wearing (glasses, blouse, jewelry, etc) and find a way to make a comment about it. Not only will this complement her looks but will complement her taste in clothing.


5) Be yourself part 2. One thing a lot of people do wrong is that they try to be something they are not. IF you arent good with jokes, dont try to be a funny man to impress her. Chances are it will seem forced and wont work. This may seem to contradict what I said earlier but it really doesnt. The idea is to supress the flaws you have and not add attributes you dont.



If these things dont work then there is only one thing left to do. Grab her in your arms, look her in the eyes, and in a deep voice say,"Give me some sugar baby."

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Very sound advice ACGeorge. Thanks for the acknowledgement of my comments too. I dated many girls throughout college and I found Miss Right once I had the dating thing all figured out. Actually she found me. Marriage is a totally different ballgame though....I seem to be doing pretty good so far - 8 wonderful yrs and 3 chillins sofar.

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Things to try:

Try smiling.

Then the most important step:

Say hello. Introduce yourself. Ask her for tea or coffee.

Create a conversation. Ask open ended questions, not yes or no questions.

Hey it worked for me, I have a wonderful wife, an 8 month old daughter who is the light of my life and I STILL get to play computer games!


Things to avoid:


"That's a beautiful dress...it'd look great crumpled at the foot of my bed."


"What say we skip this and go F**k?"


"Great hooters!" (when she doesn't own owls.)


"If I told you you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?" (stolen from Python)

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well considering you want a good answer and the only way of working something out is by looking at both sides of the arguement i am going to make this post:


give up now! NOW! until you come to the age of serious relationships where its normal settle down with someone there is no point in trying to make 'loving relationships'.....'loving relationships' is a phrase often abused by people who think a loving relationship starts when you say 'can i go out with you?' and end with a text message next week saying 'srry, things not working out. u r dumped'


so u see, at this age the amount of disadvantages out ways the advantages.....so theres sex, i admit that every man needs that but until ur like 25/30 u arent at the stage of settling down and having children so that means you have to put up with the ordeal of asking her out, then IF she says yes you spend the whole time together wondering when the text message is coming.....and thats in the middle of wondering what presents to get her in the hope of keeping her for another week


and then because u arent going to settle down its certain that 1 of 2 things will happen:


1- you get bored of the relationship and it becomes a chore while all the time she still thinks u love her and eventually ull have enough courage to dump her and brake her heart


2-still is love with her, thinking about her everyday, dreaming about her and then meeting her only to be told she doesnt want to be near you anymore.....the heart brake this will cause and the question "why??????" will go around in ur mind many many times!



but i mean apart from that, yeah! what can u lose?



Divine Spirit

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Yep, Divine Spirit is totally right.

Relationships are complicated.


Here is an example how complicated it is. Imagine this:


You are invited to a party and the only thing that you must do now is to collect your girlfriend. As you enter her room you notice that she is not ready yet.

She calmly puts on her makeup like she´s having all the time in the world. A quick glance on your watch tells you that you are getting late for the party. You stay silent knowing that if you are saying that she should please hurry up it would result in a 30min (at least) argument. So you STAY SILENT.

Time passes and you are starting to get nervous. She´s going in the bathroom, she leaves it, she goes in the bathroom....


Suddenly she stands before you fully dressed and ready to go. Just at the time when you are going to say: Okay honey let´s go.

You notice a second pair of shoes in her hand and she asks you:

Which of these shoes should i wear?

"These?" showing you the shoes that she´s carrying "or these shoes?" pointing at the shoes on her feet.


What should a man answer in this situation?


A: Oh i like the shoes you are wearing darling and now let´s go!


B: The other ones are soooo nice! Please, wear these.


What happens if you chose A:

She breaks down crying/gets angry complaining that you aint´t got no time for her.


What happens if you chose B:

Congratulation you´ve just told her that she´s got no taste in fashion. This results in crying,yelling etc etc.


And guess what - you WON´T get to the party at all.


Here is the right answer:


C: Please try on the ones you are holding (yeah right, take your time). Nope, the first one looked far better with the dress you are wearing. (Darling you have great taste)


This was only a small example how complicated a relationship really is. There are more obstacles ahead, please watch your step ;)




P.S. Sorry for my bad grammar

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Talk to her on IRC and AIM for at least 3 weeks. Cybersex0r her often, then meet in a public place. Works like a charm!


Heh but really do what all the other folks are saying, be yourself. Unless shes a SW fan dont come out with the Han Solo quotes or anything. Save those for the bedroom. :)

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"Are your parents bakers? Cause you got a nice set of buns"

"You Jamaican? Cause you Ja-makin-me crazy"

"Do you believe in love at first sight, or do I have to walk by again?"

"Do you have some American nationality in you? Would you like some?"

"You from Tennessee? Cause your the only Ten I see"

"I just wanted to let you know I am going to have s** with you tonight. Whether or not you want to join me is a different story"

"Are you a v*rg*n? (No.) Prove it!"


Seriously, run full speed head first, chin down right at her, if she gets knocked down, great help her up say sorry use one of the above, and go from there.

If she holds her ground and you bounce back to the floor, then get up and run the other way as fast as you can, trust me you don't want her.:elephant:

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Originally posted by Ari-Ben Kenobi

errr.....this may sound like an odd question but


Any tips on how to approach a girl? Theres this one cute british girl without a british accent that i've had my eye on, any suggestions fellow jedi?



One step at the time...left foot...right foot...repeat..

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