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Pentium 4 Upgrade


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I wanted to get a P4 because I didn't want to have to get a new motherboard too.


But it looks like either way, I'll need one.


I just read the review of the new Athlon XP, and it is supposed to be better than the P4, so looks like ill be heading in that direction.

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You will definatly need a new motherboard. The Pentium 4's are socket 423 which is totally different to the P3. You will probably need to buy a new tower, and different ram.


I would advise buying an Athlon chip as they are much cheaper and much much faster. Dont let the clock speeds fool you. A 1.4Ghz Atlon is just as good as a 1.7Ghz P4. This is because it can handle many more instruction sets. It is also more stable.

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Stay away from the P4, waste of money, for performance it gives go for an Athlon XP, even the XP 1500+ (1.33ghz) or the athlon Tbird 1.4ghz has scores on some things that beat da P4 2ghz and bout Q3 optimzed for P3, its not really its jus SSE, and thats been rectfied long ago the point release patches, but even if u believe it aint, da Athlon XP has SSE support now. ah and ta c why the P4 does suck, go here http://www.emulators.com/pentium4.htm

if u just have to waste money, i'd wait for the new Northwood core of da P4.

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My friend who has a 1Ghz Athlon has 4 fans on his chip and its at 9 degrees. I have 10 fans and an air conditioning card which works really well. Only problem is that it cools my room down too much.


Has anyone got a link to a site that has in depth information about super conductors?? They fascinate me :)

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