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XBox Fans (fans??) Panic Over ToysRUs.com Email


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ToysRUs.com customers who were lucky enough to preorder an XBox in the few minutes before they sold out on the site got a nasty shock, when the company sent out emails saying the game consoles wouldn't be delivered on time.


The emails apparently had a glitch which put in the wrong date for shipping. Angry customers began spreading word of the delay in forums and chat rooms, and complaining that they had never been warned there might be a delay.


However, ToysRUs.com quickly stated that it was only a glitch in their email system which caused the wrong shipping dates to be quoted, and that all of the consoles would be sent on time as promised.

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No plans for xbox purchase here either... well not for another 5+ years (when it goes into the hobby bin).


Sorry M$.. you already screwed over my 'net connection!



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Alas, if only that were true. This is one 29 year old that is only buying a gameCube. As for the X-box, if I want to play PC games ( which is what most x-box games basically are ), I'll play them on my PC. 'Cause nothing beats mouselook for a first person shooter ( too bad that the PC version of Halo will be delayed by MS ).


Finally, when the next generation 64 meg video cards come out, and I've got my gaming rig with a p4 1.7gHz, 512 meg of ram, a 40 gig hard-drive AND DVD drive...why would I want to buy an under-powered x-box to play what are ultimately PC games?? Doesn't make any sense.


MS should stick with what they know...which is nothing, heh.

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I keep hearing that all Xbox games are going to be PC games...


In my opinion, that's a load of crap. Yes, Halo is a FPS, but so is Red Faction for the PS2. Is Dead or Alive 3 a 'typical' PC game? Shenmue 2? Jet Set Radio? No, they're not.


Now, most Xbox games are regular, if I dare use that word, console games. Not PC games.

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Well, let's look at the facts:


Runs on a modified Windoze OS.

Uses DirectX ( directX only runs under Windoze ).

Has Intel p3 733mHz chip

controller plugs that I've seen are USB.

has a hard-drive built in.

Has a DVD drive.


If you had never heard of an x-box, I bet you'd think I was referring to a PC. Ever wonder why MS abhors terms like "PC gaming console". They are so desperate to stay away from that and consider themselves a real console because very few people would buy a PC that can only play games. Interesting quote I heard went something like: "PC developers are really loving the X-box development environment.." You'll have to admit that most people are hard pressed to talk about the x-box without the word 'PC' coming into the mix.


And I'll admit that Nintendo isn't exactly "the bomb", but they consistently focus on innovative gameplay or if using a tried and true format, end up setting a whole new standard for others to emulate. I doubt you'd find any serious game developers that consider "shiggy's" work to be even close to crap. Sega is another one of those companies that has made a whole lot excellent games.


I doubt many Microsoft games enjoy any kind of success outside of the US. Last I heard Zelda: Ocarina of Time sold more than 10 million copies worldwide--pretty amazing feat.


[ November 19, 2001: Message edited by: Rancor ]

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What my point were, is that people seem to put off the Xbox as a PC when it's not. Sure, the specs look familiar, but it's still a console. The games will not, repeat not, be the exactly same. Yes, there will be cross-platform games, but all consoles have that. See my previous post.


If you want to get technical, the other consoles can also be considered a PC.

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I wonder what will happen when Nvidia releases their next-gen card? If the card is as good as or better than what's in the x-box, what's the point of even getting one ( an xbox). If, on the other hand, Nvidia purposely holds off on putting technology they developed for the "box" in their new cards, they end up screwing us. You can bet that if it were solely up to Nvidia, they'd use the tech in their new cards...bet you they won't do it though. Why? They probably have an agreement with MS.


Anyway I look at it, the x-box is a bum deal. It costs a hundred dollars more. It includes a DVD player, but anyone that wants to watch movies would do better by buying a hi-quality dedicated unit for that. That was one of the plugs that Sony tried to make with the PS2, but all my friends ended up buying a real DVD player shortly thereafter.


Finally, would we be playing Halo right now ( on our PC's ) if it didn't become the poster game for the x-box? I personally don't like it when the consumer gets the shaft. Companies that do that won't get my money.


[ November 20, 2001: Message edited by: Rancor ]

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If it had not been for the X-Box, I believe a PC version of Halo would have been released at least 6 months ago.


Now they are talking about starting on the PC version...so I don't expect to see it for another year on the PC, if at all.


If Microsoft decided to pull the plug on Bungie just to keep Halo X-Box exclusive...well, I wouldn't put it past them, I'm afraid. :(


So I guess I'll have to make do with Unreal II, SOF2, JK2, Medal Of Honour: Allied Assault, RTCW, New World Order, Unreal Warfare, Deus Ex 2, Thief III, Doom III, Quake IV, Duke Nukem (takes) Forever, Chaser, Cthulhu.... :D

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Originally posted by Lion Heart:

<STRONG>[edit - Gonk - tsk tsk tsk]


[ November 16, 2001: Message edited by: GonkH8er ]</STRONG>


D00d, there was nothing offensive about that. I was just joking and IMO, I should be able to express whats on my mind.


Its just that I went to Toys R Us to get a Playstation2 memory card for my brother but I felt unfomfortable going there. (I didnt want to go.)


Because as old as I am, I dont feel right walking in a store filled with dolls and toys targeted for little children. I didnt mean that the the people in the store are (you know)-(and I know they're not) but the general impact of the atmosphere has on me.


I apologize if I hurt you, but I shouldn't get flamed big-time for any silly little thing.

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