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Guest digl

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I know Its really hard work to change the forums, and this forums are very good, but Iv seen some forums with good features like showing the number of views of the topic, who made the last post, and polls, this is the important one


I know probably most of you have seen those forum polls, they can be very useful and informative to know what the community thinks

I dont know If Its possibly to include those in this forums (I care most about polls), they would be a great addition

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A lot of boards have a thing included in it to transfer all data from a UBB board to the new board when you set it up, so it's not that hard to change to a different board. The only problem is that usually they're not cheap (unless you wanna get an illegal copy or tryout version).

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I don't really have a problem with the forums as they stand. They're not too cluttered, and they load quickly - although I've experienced a couple of glitches where it doesn't always return me to a thread after posting.


Seeing how many people have viewed a thread could be useful, in the same way as the polls...but if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it. ;)

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It seems you didnt get my point Stephen and StormHammer

I never said I disliked this forums, or that anything is wrong about them, and I know some forums are expensive, thats why I asked if Its possible to include those feature in this forums

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Guest C Shutt

In what sense? It does everything you could want from a forum. Reply to an indivdual person? Like one of those crappy click-per-post boards? No thanks.


[ November 23, 2001: Message edited by: C Shutt ]

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UBB really is the crappiest forum technology I've ever encountered. On par with ezboard, I'd say. There's no way to reply to a certain person. Sorta defeats the purpose of a forum, IMHO.


Somehow i don't think so, i liek this board as it is and n Ezboard u cna choose what sort of things u want (polls, views,posts etc.)

I don't see why u call EzBoard and UBB crappy as they're the most popular and i liek this board!

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Guest C Shutt

Exactly. UBB is great, it isn't cluttered up with loads of useless features, it's aesthetically pleasing, and it keeps the emphasis on the most important thing, the content of the posts.

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I dont want any change.


People always want things they don't have and when you do get them the are hardly ever used.


I remember when we got the chat feature here everyone was really excited, but after a week, it hardly got a visit.


we dont need anything new.




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I dont see how for example showing how many times a topic has been seen could slow things down or go wrong


My question is, though, do we really want six dozen "Do you all like me? Yes/no" type user polls?


Iv seen some forums with hundreds of useless polls, and others with really good ones

This community IMO is great and I dont think everybody would start making stupid polls


Again, I really like this forums, and Iv never critiziced UBB, I just asked if some features could be added, thats all

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