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thanks again


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hey now...

im not trying to impose myself, just offer some help, i dont mind if i get turned down, i never asked to be "part of the staff" just help the forums and "aid the staff", thats all....i got my point across and i wont bring it up again unless someone brings it up first...

hope that sounds a little better

and about the knight thing...

i dont know what you mean by "anxious"

i can only get there by posting

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ehehe, oops, i guess you are right

this week is going slow...i have a lot to not do...its complicated, i am just constantly waiting for new posts for some reason...

im reading books and not going out much, because i have lots of school summer work to do...im getting that done and not doing other things, when thats over, ill be back to my normal posting habits...heh


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hello Rave, I have noted their absence among others.


So its up to us Vets to keep things ticking over. lol


NO seriously I dont know where people are. I think its due to general lack of info from LEC. Hopefully things will pick up again soon..



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LEC really do need to release some kind of information. If they dont their gonna loose the few JK2 fans they have....apart from you and me :) . I reckon this site should have made some kind of graph with the ammount of posts each day. Even i've noticed that around days that info has been released there have been loads of posts. Then it calms down again.

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Guest ZeroXcape

CaptainRAVE: and opening new sites *cough cough*


PreTZel: Rogue wasn't actually banned... although he shoulda been ;) I just disabled his account for a while.


wardz: we may just do that. As I've said before, we'll be adding new moderators as we need them and as we open new boards. Our last moderators will be added right before the release of JKII.

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ive got some stuff to say :)


im still around here. i still post. ive just been preoccupied as of late.


swordfish was a pretty good movie. its amazing how much fun you can have with a pack of c4 and a cylindrical tube of large ball bearings.


maybe we should have a vote for a moderator, seeing as it should be someone who the people here like and can associate with. someone they know will be fair. maybe zero or someone should have a post when the time and need comes, where people volunteer. he then picks 8 or so candidates, and we vote on the main page :) hows that for a democracy?

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