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well, i've got 197 signitures overnight...and 2 "getalife" emails.

I've got 3 things to say to those people.


1]These petitions take literally 1 minute to start.

2]If you don't want to sign, why did you follow the link?

3]Why do I care what you think?


BTW, who told tf.n?


[ August 07, 2001: Message edited by: matt-windu ]

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3]Why do I care what you think?


If you don't care about somebody else's opinion, why would George Lucas care about your and your petitioners' opinion?


Sad... but not as sad as the fact that you really think you are accomplishing something with this...


[ August 07, 2001: Message edited by: Roger ]

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roger, he's entitled to his opinion.


when obiwan was cancelled for pc, that was something people didnt like. they started a huge petition. 1000's of people signed it. there were people just like you who said ' get a life' and 'dont waste your time'


the fact is, these people feel strongly about it, and if they do, they have a right to express their feelings, in a post, petition, whatever.


the people who did just what you are doing no, back then, were ignored and has their comments generally disregarded.



let people have their angryness... let them do their petitions. is it so bothering to you that they do this?


60% of the SW community dont like it. you're part of a minority, and not to say that minority's aren't important, but minority attacks against the general view of the majority arent always successful


[ August 07, 2001: Message edited by: GonkH8er ]

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So because I'm a minority I should keep my mouth shut?


Thanks a lot... reminds me of a period back in the last century, between 1930 and 1945, A lot of people who didn't like what they saw back then and were in a minority kept their mouth shut and look what happened...


Please read my post before you say something like that.


I was pointing to the fact that he doesn't care about somebody else's opinion.


Why the hell should I, George Lucas or anybody else care about his opinion then?



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George Lucas probably does care about the opinion of 60% of SW fans, because they are literally worth millions for him

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Do you know George Lucas?


So you are telling me, 60% of the fans will not go and see the movie because the title sucks (I love it btw...)


If that was the case GL would listen to you, BUT, that is NOT the case....


You and I know that we all are going to see this movie whatever the title is...


So please, stop treating this as if it's a life or death issue...


It's just a title!!!


[ August 07, 2001: Message edited by: Roger ]

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Look... please read my posts... I don't care that much about your petition...


What I do care about is; you starting a petition (which I think didn't start out out as a joke) and then saying "I don't care what you think..."


That's the only thing I was talking about...


If it's all a joke, why even bother starting this thread...




That's my opinion... bottom line...


Have a nice day! :D

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The bottom line is, I hate the title so I wanted to see how many people think of the title as I do. I didn't actually expect anyone to sign, hence it is a joke.


I don't let other people's opinions affect me too much. Therefore I don't really care. Why are you arguing about a petition anyway. I know it's not going anywhere. And I could care less.

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The bottom line is, I hate the title so I wanted to see how many people think of the title as I do. I didn't actually expect anyone to sign, hence it is a joke.


Here you DO care about other people's opinions...


I don't let other people's opinions affect me too much.


And when it suits you you don't care...




You're still not reading my posts so I'll stop wasting time...


Have a nice day! :D

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Roger, the fact that you "LOVE THE TITLE" only further proves that you are a brain dead idiot. Just another lemming following the rest of the crowd off of the cliff now known as "the prequels"


GL put that steaming pile of episode 1 manure in front of the fans and most of you (Roger) ate it up like good little self-brainwashed Star Wars Zombies.


You say we're blinded by high expectations, well I say you're blinded by an intense need to love ANYTHING Star Wars related no mater how awful the product may be because you're all the "real fans" the kind of "real fans" who can look at something like Jar Jar Binks, a blatant walking toy ad aimed at 5 year olds, and say it's part of George Lucas' "grand vision" which any idiot who thinks about it realizes he's clearly making up as he goes along


Christ, I've really come to start hating Star Wars since this prequel bs. If being a "real fan" means surrendering my opinions and blindfolding myself, well screw that. And screw Star Wars. It's a pitance, but I'm not giving GL my 10 dollars for Episode 2, The Phantom Flop was garbage and I HONESTLY almost walked out of it on my first viewing, the title of this one is a big indication we're just getting more of the same, and I just don't care any more.


Star Wars sucks, there is no grand vision only shlock sci-fi movies, and ya'll can have fun walking off cliffs.

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Okay fellas, deeeeeeep breath time. Whatever your opinion of the title, the prequels in general... it's not worth being so mutually antagonistic over. Please relax, it'll be easier on all parties involved that way. :)


And no "but he started it"s. Just chill. Please. :)

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I tend to agree with Roger. If you produce a petition, you certainly must expect dissenting opinions to be voiced. That's just how it is.


I do find it damned funny though that less than 24 hours after the title is released a petition is already in place against the title. Premature maybe? Or just a reflection of the sheer stupidity of the title?


I also think the title is stupid, and even 'The Clone Wars' would have been better.


Reality check: it's just a movie folks. And even though the fans give Star Wars its popularity, it's George's film to name, not the fans, like it or not.

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