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Planet of the Apes

Guest Boba Rhett

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Guest Boba Rhett

An entertaining movie. I enjoyed it right to the end, well at least up until the last 30 seconds. There I was thinking this was a cool movie and then I see the last thirty seconds and am completely confused. It's pretty amazing when something that happens in the last minute messes up the rest of the movie.


I mean, it's alright to leave a little hole at the end of a movie for it to lead into a sequal but this movie left a hole big enough for someone to drive a riding lawn mower through. So if they don't make a sequal, this movie is ruined at the end. If the do make one, however, the movie will be great and will eventually make perfect sence buti'll still feel that I had to wait 2 years andpay for another ticket just to see the ending of this movie.


Dispite it messed up ending, it a good moive and I suggest you check it out and see what you think about the ending.


Rating: If sequal = 8.5, if no sequal = 7.0

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It sucked... the original ruled because of the historical, social and political reference... This one didn't have any significance at all...


Just like the original Star wars rocked and Episode I sucked... Episode I has no political or social significance... Star Wars did...


If you don't know what I mean... read a history book or two...

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Originally posted by Roger:

[QB]It sucked... the original ruled because of the historical, social and political reference... This one didn't have any significance at all...




You obviously didn't see the same movie I did...



















The whole movie was full of Gun Control and Animal Rights stuff!!


And I liked it...It wasn't the original...but Tim Burton did a great storytelling job, and the ending, while not as shocking as the original,fit well and left open the possibility of sequel(s)



[ July 30, 2001: Message edited by: KordKelly ]

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Still don't understand how civilization 300 years ago could be more advanced than 300 years into the future. I.E. At the end-cop cars and guns... that was about 2100's, and then beginning part of the movie was 2400's.













[ July 30, 2001: Message edited by: OnlyOneCanoli ]

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Guest Kurgan

Yeah, I remember reading some science articles on it (wish I could remember where, so I could post 'em) saying that yes, Time Travel was possible.


I believe Einstein thought we could do it, and most of us have heard of wormholes.


Basically, you could setup a wormhole and then in the future, travel back to the wormhole you created. So the catch would be that you could only travel back to the place where that particular wormhole was built.


So you couldn't go back in time to 1950, unless there was a wormhole there. But there's debate as to whether you'd actually be in the same universe, and if paradox's would apply, etc.



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What I meant was that it can technically be done. You just can't change anything.


Look at it from a futuristic perspective. You've already gone back in time. Everything is the same. You must have failed to change anything.


The divergent realities theory may make it seem that it is possible to change the past, but as a parralel universe is created for every single choice we have, you don't chage anything. You just move to a different universe.


I remember an article about faster than light travel via wormholes. You'd also have to be at your endpoint in order to actually get there...kind of pointless.


Einstein thought that if we could go faster than light, we would go backwards in time. Unfortunately, that is impossible. As we approach lightspeed, mass is added to the ship to the point where it balloons to infinity. It is therefore more likely that the ship would become a blackhole rather than time travel.


We will never go faster than light according to today's physics. It is possible to warp space however(hence WARP drive).

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Ok let me explain my reaction...


If I were to go back in time and change something, it wouldn't look as a change to you... it would be your present/past time and you wouldn't notice anything changed...


The only person who would know anything has changed would be me!

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The way you just explained it.


No one would realize a change. No one would feel a need for a change. You(the you in the time you originally cam from), wouldn't realize it either. The only way you ensure that the change is fullfilled would be to stay in the time you made the change in. Then you would have to force yourself(in the original timeframe) to go back again, carefully explaining to him exactly what to do, and that the reson he is going back doesn't exist anymore. Either that or you go back in time. Make a change. Wait till your original time-travel date arrives and do it all over again. Either way you are going to end up forever repeating your actions, a slave to your past/present/future decisions. :p

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You see the me who is traveling in time as someone else as the one that is now... It is one and the same person! Only if I return to the now and that would be a point in time before I traveled back in time I would "see" myself... If I return to now after I traveled back in time I would return with full knowledge of what I changed in the past.

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Vut the original you wouldn't. Meaning he is extremely unlikely to risk time-travel over something that doesn't appear to actually matter. Let me diagram.


_Altered reality_

>no problem>>>no need to go back in time, ^original"normal reality" restored


_Normal reality________________^

Problem>>>You go back in time>>^


Paradox! You'd be stuck.


[ July 30, 2001: Message edited by: matt-windu ]

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