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Obi-Wan.Netters....Is THIS really the same game that we were waiting for?

G.P LeChuck

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They might look a little better when they add some lighting (they better do that), but it'll still look not so hot.


And you're topic is misleading. I thought you meant that "THIS the game" was referring to JK2. Good thing you post made more sense than your topic though. :)

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Guest Krayt Tion

Yep, definitely knocked down a notch after the consolization (yes I am still calling X-Box a console). We would not have wanted that on our 'multiple-user system requirements are too hard!' PCs. ;)

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Guest Kurgan

These remind me of the "first" released pics of Obi-Wan from '99?


They were low poly and had little or no lighting effects, etc. Didn't look that exciting...



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I agree with GonkH8r. Reading between the lines in some of the earlier JK2 interviews, I don't think JK2 was planned at all until Obi-Wan moved to the Xtinct-Box.


To be totally honest, they were absolutely right about moving it to X-Box due to the graphics - I wouldn't want that low level of detail cluttering up my super-flat 19 inch monitor. :D


I can hardly believe it only runs at 30fps. There seems to be something wrong with that, I think.


Anyway, I'll wait to see the final version of the game before passing judgement. I haven't totally ruled out getting an Xtinct-Box sometime in the future - if my eldest son (4 years) desperately wants one.


But I'll be sticking to my PC, and immersing myself in the superior-looking JK2...

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Guest Krayt Tion

Not really, if the X-Box garners decent sales I'll bet Ob*-W*n will still sell well.


A common theory is that if Simon J took a dump in a box and slapped on the Star Wars name it would still sell well. They could call it Star Wars: Attack of the Poodoo.

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Hey, it's good to see all the OWK.netters posting under the same topic... brings back memories...


I can't believe I once looked forward to that game. Who's the lead designer?? I thought Shaw wasn't on the project anymore. Whoever he is, he should write a book titled "How to ruin a design idea: A quick lesson in 10 steps!"

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