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Arrgghhh, Chem test...


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My algebra makes an ass out of herself on a daily basis. Whenever she rhymes 2 words, it becomes a "rap".


To begin with, I should be in Geometry(the next step up in my school system), but I came from a perocial school where they called Algebra "8th Grade Math".


I hate school. :mad:

I hate morons even more. :mad:

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I some how got out of that class with an A. It was pretty interesting though; a heck of a lot more interesting than the living sciences, IMO. "Genus, Family, Species, blah blah blah..."


Next half I'm faced with Physics. I've heard bad things about it, but it actually sounds interesting to me. :)

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buckeye, depends what area of the living sciences you studied. If it was just classification and ecological crap, then thats boring. If it's genetics or microbiology...... I find it quite interesting :)



speaking of nutcase professors..... we have an oddball physics teacher.


He writes backwards or downwards on the board now and then for no reason. Sometimes he sings lessons to us and expects us to sing answers back. He tries to join in the discussions people are having (non school related) and cracks lame lame jokes.....


A few weeks ago, because the room is ajoining the biology room, one of the skeletons was in there. Our teacher left the room for a few minutes, so we put his hat and glasses on the skeleton, and a pen in its hand, and put it where he usually stands. He came back, and just stood there staring at it for about a minute, then moved over to it. He taught the rest of the lesson speaking as the skeleton, moving its jaw when he spoke, manipulating its hand to write on the board. It was rather...... amusing :)


He tried teaching us in german one time, because he married the german teacher. That was rather unsuccessful. Other times he just randomly rhymes words while we're working... or if he sees someone throw something, he'll throw it back harder, then find other things and start throwing them at the person too. He's not a terribly good shot though, and it usually starts involving other people.


It's a wonder we learn anything........


[ October 10, 2001: Message edited by: GonkH8er ]

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i think you got me on oddball-ness gonk... the only card up my sleeve is that every year this prof. flunks so many kids the first semester, that by the second semester, he is on probation from the school and has to pass a large amount of students... dammit, why didnt i take the second semester class?!?!?! :(

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