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WorldofMI forums


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Haggis ...my search-guru, you old sea-hound! Good to "see" you too. Wow, that was a quick response ...like instant messaging or something.


I sent Dalixam an e-mail asking about lucasForums, but haven't heard from him yet. He's probably busy getting ready for worldofmi's triumphant return. It shouldn't be long now.


I've been a fish out of water without them. Glad you didn't give up. I fear that some of our members might have. I am looking forward to seeing you again, there.

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Raven, I heard there's something big planned for the MI forums. I actually don't have a lot of details about it at this point, but I think it involves WoMI. It'd be great to have everyone from all MI communities here, without a horrible amount of redundancy (i.e., I hope there doesn't end up being 5 separate Monkey Island boards at LF.com).

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Originally posted by raVen_image

Does anyone know whether Dalixam's forums at worldofmi will be included into the new lucasForums collective?


I'm not sure yet. There are a lot of things to consider and there may also be compatebility issues because I use another forum than vBulletin. However, the staff responsible at Mojo will look into if the databases can work together :)


There is also the MI project brewing to consider... :D

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And is that the Coming soon... Thing? Gabez? are you here?


raVen_iamge, it is a fortunatre thing to see you here, I have been looking for you from time to time, it makes me feel wonderful when we can chit-chat together, why not organizing something chatty?

Wow, that was a quick response ...like instant messaging or something.
And it doesn't matter. "I'd be happy to see you whenever you return"
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The World of Monkey Island forums were something special, and I'd hate to see them subsumed into a tiny cog in a monolithic LucasArts webforum megacomplex. Besides, all these graphics make me nervous.


And sort of on that topic, would we still have our old postcounts?

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Originally posted by Ryback

The World of Monkey Island forums were something special, and I'd hate to see them subsumed into a tiny cog in a monolithic LucasArts webforum megacomplex. Besides, all these graphics make me nervous.


I couldn't agree more. The WMI forums are a small resource for exchanging thoughts about almost anything. The sheer simplicity of it makes me cry... (in a positive way). I don't think you will see the long WMI-type posts here... this is just too 'open', if you know what I mean.

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Originally posted by Ryback

The World of Monkey Island forums were something special, and I'd hate to see them subsumed into a tiny cog in a monolithic LucasArts webforum megacomplex.


That has been my main concern as well, so it's nice to hear that the users feel the same way. I was almost sure I "had" to join if I didn't want the WMI forums to die, but after hearing your comments I am not so sure. I will have a poll about in on my site when possible. That way, the users can decide.


Good idea?

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Ahoy benjoyce...


Good to see you, Junaid...



Originally posted by Ryback

The World of Monkey Island forums were something special, and I'd hate to see them subsumed into a tiny cog in a monolithic LucasArts webforum megacomplex.

I agree. There is this quote that keeps running through my head as I witness this new conglomeration:

"The last remnants of the old republic have been swept away."


This is, of course, a knee-jerk reaction, but I can't help making that parallel. But, there are some nice features...

Besides, all these graphics make me nervous...

...under your options, you can turn off the graphics of other posts and set the amount of postings per page. I certainly have the signitures and avatars turned off so that the page loads quicker. Good feature, that.


Dalixam: I approve of the vote idea, and am ever impressed with your wonderful style of including your members in this process. You are the best administrator, ever.


Like Haggis, I know how I will vote


APPENDMENT: However, I don't want to inadvertantly kill worldofmi forums with my petty fears. It's important to remember that if Dalixam does not join, the traffic may fall away and it would only be us 5 that post there. And a great MI site might never get seen. This is all heady stuff.


"Fear will keep the local systems in line". It may be the best choice to join. If the alternative is the death of worldofmi ...I would feel terrible for voting against our assimilation into the collective. I fear to join ...yet I fear the potential outcome of not joining. I need to really think before I vote.


Gads ...I don't know.

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Not that I have any real say in this, but I can tell that your concerns are genuine. Perhaps its best if the WoMI forums are kept separate if many of the regulars there are concerned to the same degree as those who have spoken already. I still hope you guys stop by here on occasion though.

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i dont see why the WoMI forum should become less than it's normal self, after all, one place is as good as another, the people who would post on it in its usual place would still post there if it happened to be on a site about pork pies - it's just an addy change.


in fact it would probably recieve greater popularity from being exposed to a new set of like-minded people

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Originally posted by raVen_image

APPENDMENT: However, I don't want to inadvertantly kill worldofmi forums with my petty fears. It's important to remember that if Dalixam does not join, the traffic may fall away and it would only be us 5 that post there. And a great MI site might never get seen. This is all heady stuff.


"Fear will keep the local systems in line". It may be the best choice to join. If the alternative is the death of worldofmi ...I would feel terrible for voting against our assimilation into the collective. I fear to join ...yet I fear the potential outcome of not joining. I need to really think before I vote.


Gads ...I don't know. [/b]


I'm not sure either. I wouldn't want to sound like I'm complaining about these new forums... probably in six months we'll be wondering how we ever got by without them. On the other hand, Mixnmojo hosts a lot of small sites with their own forums, which did quite fine before. If you add WoMI, you've got to add MILegend, and I think Monkeycenter, and probably some other Monkey Island-themed site, and in terms of sheer postcounts they couldn't compete with EscapeMI even if you found them at the same place.


Basically all I'd like to see is a webforum linked off the main WMI page, with most of the old regulars, and the forum organized much as it was before. Where it's hosted wouldn't matter so much, although I'd hate to see brushboy go...


Now, where's murry84? He could solve this dilemma in less than thirty seconds...

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Originally posted by Metallus

... I still hope you guys stop by here on occasion though.

Oh, for sure :)


Putting my concerns aside, there are advantages to this merging. I have been introduced to message-boards that I might never have seen, otherwise. How they may feel about a newbie that begins with 250+ posts is another matter, but I have not been treated like an intruder, yet.


Most of the new features are lost on an "old-school" poster, like myself, but there are many nice "bells and whistles" included with the vB boards for the younger crowd to enjoy. I can certainly see the appeal.


Though my user-name has not, nor ever will change ...having a single password is convenient.


Whatever Dalixam decides is A-Ok with me. Either way, I will continue to visit the LucasForums. It's not a bad place, after all... just takes getting used to. :)

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Yeah, I agree. The benefits of LucasForums will become more aparent once the overall chaos and members' list conflicts get worked out.


The merger and upgrading of the LucasArts boards is sort of like immersion therapy; it works for some right away, while others are immediatly repulsed by the notion. The majority, however, realize that it is something that will take some getting used to, and will gradually come to accept it.


Things will settle down soon, I'm almost sure of it.

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Originally posted by Ryback

...If you add WoMI, you've got to add MILegend, and I think Monkeycenter, and probably some other Monkey Island-themed site, and in terms of sheer postcounts they couldn't compete with EscapeMI even if you found them at the same place.

Hehe..true, but it's quality that counts. By the way, it's good to see you Ryback. I'm sorry that I missed saying hello, earlier. This is your regular forum, isn't it?

Basically all I'd like to see is a webforum linked off the main WMI page, with most of the old regulars, and the forum organized much as it was before.

It could be done. I think this is a smashing idea, but it's easy for me to say, since I'm not doing the work to put it together. But, I like the way you think.

Now, where's murry84? He could solve this dilemma in less than thirty seconds...

**guffaw** That he would. And as you know, he's always right. He must be lurking around here, somewhere. Just look for posts that have single sentence (or one word) posts ...like "OK"


Ahoy, murry84, wherever you are. :)

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Originally posted by raVen_image

Hehe..true, but it's quality that counts. By the way, it's good to see you Ryback. I'm sorry that I missed saying hello, earlier. This is your regular forum, isn't it?


Well, if you can call about ninety-something posts before Mixnmojo went down 'regular', but yeah. It's an old familiar place. There weren't that many regulars though, probably about twenty or so. I used to post occasionally at the MI Scumm Bar board, which hasn't come back yet.


Anyway, good to hear from you too, raVen. WoMI might have a small user base compared to some, but if you look at the average message length I reckon we'd be right up there...


(or we could just be a bunch of longwinded cretins... )


And I like murry84. He reformed his ways (well, mostly...) and turned into quite a good debater. I wonder what he's doing at the moment...:)

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