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Mark Hamill Poll


Do you think Mark Hamill should do the voice of Luke Skywalker in JK2?  

66 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think Mark Hamill should do the voice of Luke Skywalker in JK2?

    • Yes, it would mean a lot to me
    • No, It wouldn't affect me
    • Mark Hamill? Who's he?

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First of all look at this VERY interesting piece of info I just received.




That's right, Mark Hamill doing a voice for Ravens' other baby, Soldier of Fortune 2. I don't know if they confirmed Mark wouldn't do the voice of Luke in JK2, but if so there's something wrong with this picture.


In fact, now I find it hard to believe he won't be doing Luke.


If he's not, what could be the reason? Is he ashamed to be recognized as Luke SKywalker? Please say it ain't so Mark!


Some will say it's just a game, and it won't even matter. But there are those of us who grew up admiring Mark and his portrayal. It would really make a huge difference to fans like me, and I believe there are many who would agree.


I would like to try and get as many people willing as possible to try and convince Raven and LA to do everything in thier power to try and get Mark for JK2. This game will be huge...but it will be twice as grand to have a major part of Star Wars contributing.


Please, be honest and if you won't reply, at least vote, thank you.:)

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I think it would add a considerable amount of authenticiy if LEC get Mark to reprise his role as Luke, (albeit only 'in the voice') and I would be rather disappointed if LEC didn't ask him, or if he turned it down, especially after hearing that his vocal talents are to be used in SOF2.


It just won't be the same, no matter how many times I end up playing the game, if his voice has been done by, as I see it, an imposter.


Come on LEC and Mark - you can do it!



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Guest Sarcastic Saint

Still it's strange....i assume that both games use the same sound recording studios....so if they would ask hime to say a few lines as Luke...so what....what's the big deal.


So he says 4 to 10 lines and they pay him $20.000 and all because his voice is (naturally) the only voice that sounds like....thats right Luke.


How frustrating. :lightning

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Well u should know that now Mark Hammil is now 20 years older since the movies have been made so i wonder how he'll be able to sound like Luke.................. n e way, that would still be kewl if he'd do the voice of luke...








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Guest Hannibal
Originally posted by sanpilou

Well u should know that now Mark Hammil is now 20 years older since the movies have been made so i wonder how he'll be able to sound like Luke.................. n e way, that would still be kewl if he'd do the voice of luke...









He'd have to sound like an older Luke which is exactly what he is. His voice is closer to Luke's than anyone else on the planet.


He is a great voice actor.

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If my memory serves me correct, LEC have never used Mark, when they needed someone to do voiceover for Luke; some of those imitators have come pretty close, but Mark is still the one and only Luke Skywalker. :luke: Of course it's kinda weird, because he has done voiceover to numerous animated series/movies, games and radio shows. :(

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Funny you should say that Millions o' Monkeys, I was watching the TECH channel on early Sunday morning a few weeks ago, and Mark hosted a special about computers or something...too early to remember.


But..he sounded very much like good old Luke SKywalker.


You do know that once a person hits a certain age and matures, their voice stays the same. Unless he was a senior citezen, which he is not.:)


140 views and only 30 votes?:confused:


Come on people! It's not hard to hit that vote button.:D


Everyone MUST have some kind of opinion on this, so please if we persist, we may be able to make something out of this.:c3po:

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Originally posted by Kwup

you lost me there :confused:


You don't star in plays like Amadeus and The Elephant Man if you can't act. You don't land lots of voice-acting if you can't convey a whole range of emotion through voice alone. That takes considerable skill...and acting ability.


Besides, I also think he managed his role in the classic trilogy very well...from a green farm-boy to a powerful Jedi fighting an inner conflict. His acting certainly was not as wooden as many of those accomplished actors who starred in TPM. Overall, I think he did a great job with some of the material that was handed to him.


Of course, that's just IMO. ;)

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ManyMonkeys, I'm just saying that this story is near incomprehendable, and if it proves true then we pretty much deserve an answer. How would that hurt them? (And if they did hide something, then there could be whatever sort of problems on their side of things. Let's hope that's not it.)

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To my knowledge, Mark won't be doing the Luke Skywalker voice even though I'm sure everyone feels he'sthe best man for the job, after all he is Luke Skywalker for Pete's Sake! But, there are good guys out there that can do his voice well, take for instance in the game Force Commander, Bob Bergan (The Luke Skywalker voice for that game) did a good job @ sounding like him. So for me, they could go either way, but to make others happy, we should put Mark Hamill there again.

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