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What is your favorite JK DM type?


Favorite Jedi Knight Death Match  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Jedi Knight Death Match

    • FF guns (and saber)
    • FF saber only
    • NF guns (and saber)
    • NF saber only

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i actually enjoyed nf sabers the most when i started(primarily because all other forms of JK's gameplay were on the verge of being unplayable; stupid p133 :\).. i actually played NF sabers competively and was in some of the best clans because of it, but i was pretty much sick of it after a year of it..


right now I'd have to say ff guns because i enjoy the pace, and different angles of attack, etc. well everything but the timing part... if i have to get raped because i refuse to do it, then so be it :\


i do also enjoy nf guns and ff sabers..

i certainly hope JK2's sabers offer a somewhat different feel so that i can get at least a year's enjoyment out of it :)

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