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I'm leaving...


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Awww, don't leave! I promise, I'll never hurt JarJar again :D *crosses fingers*


But seriously, are you leaving because people are complaining a little bit? Maybe you see it that way but I think this is one of the most friendly forums around, really.

But then again, who am I?


I hope you come back! your a nice bloke! :ball:


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Guest SlashAndBurn

Dont leave yet Warrior!!!! :( This is a good forum and people are never gonna get along 100% of the time. You're a cool person and would hate to never see you arround! Try not to let some ify situations get to ya!

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Guest Supreme Warlord

I agree that several people kinda complain a tad bit but hey man that how the world goes...Also there are people that you cant just get along with... So this community has it bumps but you can still have fun. Dont go man but we cant stop you except to say "Dont go man" If you leave then Have a good time elsewhere... :( :( :(

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Guest BountyHunter

I've been on all kinds of message boards (started with the local BBS's) but I must say this one of the tamer message boards I have ever been on. Some places exist based on arguments, cursing and hating each other. It doesn’t seem like that here. You need a good mix of friend/foe.


How do you manageplaying online? Thats where people tend to get real nasty.


Anyways, don’t take things so personally. Keep things in perspective; this is a message board for a video game. It should be "entertaining".


If you think this place is tough you might want to consider living under water like a true gungan. hehe j/k :boushh:

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Don't go just because a few people are a little annoying. We still want you here.


Just think of it this way. You will NEVER know anyone one these boards, so why in the world do you care what they think about you?


If you always think that way then you will never get upset with anyone on the boards and you won't let them get under your skin.

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Guest SlashAndBurn

Stay...or I'll send my cadre of force users after you to manipulate your mind and make you come back! Right?:evanpiel::leia::maul::emperor::vadar::yoda::luke: *in unison*


See I even have both the light and dark side agreeing on this!:)

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Originally posted by Gungan Warrior

I was going to go to the SW:GB heavens fourm but if its bad then I might stay here...


It's terrible there, GW! People spitting on each other, calling each other "walking carpet", and "scruffy looking nerf herder"...


You wouldn't want to go there.



SW:GB has a forum? :confused:

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