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Unreal Tournament 2 ANNOUNCED!!!!


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According to

Worthplaying, they have some "confirmed info" that the rumors of Digital Extremes developing Unreal Tournament 2 are indeed true. Here's some of that "confirmed info" that they posted:


There are for now over 30 levels implanted, divided over one "techno Egyptian area", a world of ice, a world of lava, a jungle planet and many more. The games characters are rendered with six times more polygons than in the original and there are far more models. One of the gaming communities most well preserved secrets are to be released in July next year.


YEY and DOUBLE YEY!!!!!!!

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I knew that about 4 days ago.

Here's what it says in Pc Zone

Unreal Tournament 2

That's the word, and it's carved out of concrete. The sequel to arguably the best multiplayer online shooter is coming out in 2002


15:41 This is the world's first mention of the game, but our sources say the project is already in an advanced stage, with maybe six months of development still to go. All sounds like a late 2002 release to us. Coding is being done by Digital Extremes, who worked closely with Epic on the original Unreal and is currently developing Xbox blaster Unreal Championship.

According to sources, the game looks "considerably" more detailed than the original Unreal Tournament and uses the latest build of what is now known, simply, as the Unreal Engine. Key advances are likely to include vast outdoor environments, extensive particle effects such as sand and smoke, expanded control techniques and a revamp of weapons.


More as and when we know it, including, hopefully, the first pictures. There's going to be some big games next year, but let's face it, few come bigger than this. Stay tuned.

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

...There are for now over 30 levels implanted, divided over one "techno Egyptian area", a world of ice, a world of lava, a jungle planet and many more. The games characters are rendered with six times more polygons than in the original and there are far more models. One of the gaming communities most well preserved secrets are to be released in July next year.


Er...is it just me, or doesn't that paragraph sound exactly like a description of Unreal Championship for the X-Box? Just going by the screenies of that game, it has Egyptian, Ice, Lava, Jungle...hi-res models, etc...


If this is a PC title, it sounds to me like they're just porting UC, or building on that foundation. On the one hand...yay, it sounds great, because now I definitely won't have to buy an X-Box to play UC...on the other hand...well, it sounds just like a port of that game, not a completely new title.


Hmmmm.... :confused:

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Firstly it was rumored with Unreal 2. They didnt know if they could actually achieve a good game as selling both at the same time was not a good idea.


Secondly it wont just be put across to PC. It'll have 6 times as many polygons as the original which will mean nearly 8 times the specs!! No console could handle that, actually even the best PCs will just about handle it.

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