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Adobe Photoshop


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If you are used to most other pain programs then you wont be lost with Adobe Photoshop. I threw myself into that program without using any Help me or any thick book and not even in a classe (just because i wanted to try it).


The amount of mini-windows might scare you but you'll be used at it. The 3 out of 5 that you will probebly use the most frequently will be the layers, history and normal tool pallet. You can remove them but they are usefull.


Just experiment around with it, thats how I learned most about it.

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I have Adobe...you get it free with Windows Me...Personally I like PSP7 better (like Tie Guy it is coming X-mas)


BTW, Dark_Ewok you also aparently used animation shop...which is an added feature to getting PSP7 Anniversary Edition


Your one lucky fella if your getting that for Christmas, it costs a bomb

The Anniversary Edition only costs $70 and it comes with PSP7, Animation Shop and, Media Center...

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Guest DaRk_EwoK

I didnt use animation shop... I dont even have it :p

I also used image ready (its included with photoshop)


Photoshop (with image ready) is GREAT when you learn how to use it, I bet it can do everything animation shop does, and some more :D

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Guest DaRk_EwoK

I also used image ready (see above)

Photoshop made the images... IR just edited the animation and made them animated gifs


Photoshop and IR work togheter.


BTW i edited my last post a few seconds after posting... maybe thats why you didnt see it :rolleyes:

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