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Whats the best looking dragon you ever saw in a movie?

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest Lord Tirion

I just got done watching Dungeons and Dragons and oh my god those dragons were awful!! That is a full blown movie?? Sheesh. Whoever designed them needs to be shot on the spot.


My favorite and most realistic dragon I ever saw was the dragon from Dragonslayer. Dragonheart was kewl, dont get me wrong, but Draco was made to show human traits and kinda ruined the hard-core fantasy aspect of it.

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Guest SlashAndBurn

I'd have to say Dragonheart.


And guys....I dont remember there being any dragons in LOTR. Hobbit yes but not the other books. Please correct me if I'm wrong

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Guest Lord Tirion

You're right Slash. Only in The Hobbit did we see Smaug. And that is not even part of the trilogy. I think the only other dragon mentioned was an ancient one that was supposevly the most evil ever that Gandalf mentioned to Frodo almost right in the beginning of Fellowship of the Rings.


As for a great dargon movie guys, all I can say is go rent Dragonslayer. Best damn dragon ever. And It was made in the early 80s so props for that work on making it look so real and evil looking before computer technology ever came to be. It was a fun movie to watch.

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