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does anyone know if reloading is a factor put into the game?


personally, i hope so. i know this is somwhat of an oxymoron (since JEDI KNIGHT is a sci-fi fantasy game) but it would make the game more realistic... i play COUNTER-STRIKE and i really enjoy the reload feature (sure it sucks when someone catches you off guard then just whoots the **** out of you while you try to reload, but hey, agian... realism) since it makes gunning combat more skill-based (i think). i don't know, when i first heard that JEDI KNIGHT 2 was coming out i immediately got the urge to get on the ZONE and own some **** up... but, getting used to COUNTER-STRIKE and its form of gameplay, i found it kind of tacky that some people just run around like headless chickens shooting whatever they come across.


just think about it: reloading puts the advantage up in the air, so to speak. it provides balance in a gun fight. lets say that you and an opponent are squaring off, you have 30 bullets, he has 100. if there was reloading, you guys would both have to stop after you shell out 30... you of course would have no reserves, he would have to stop and reload. that gives YOU the time to go run over, draw your saber, and chop the **** out of him. however, if there WASN'T reloading, you would pretty much be screwed, seeing as he wouldn't stop firing till you were dead.


also, that would make you use the surroundings to your advantage in MP. boxes, walls, etc. you'd use for cover... OH AND ANOTHER THING: if reload was put into place, the TD would perhaps become more useful (it could be used as cover fire)


something id love to see if reload were put into play would be this: say the aforementioned scenario once again took place. but this time, instead of drawing the saber, you quickly took out your handgun... err, bryar pistol, and just hand-gunned the **** out of the schmuck who is reloading!!! (PLEASE EXCUSE THAT, ITS THE COUNTER-STRIKE TALKING)



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Blaster rifles need new plaster packs. You never see it in the movie, but if you read the Rouge Squadron books, they always are swapping cartriges (of "blaster gas") in the middle of battles. I think that would be a cool feature too. But, I guess to be realistic in the SW universe, you'd only have to reload after every 100 shots or something...

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I remember discussing this after the game was first announced and after about 150 posts we still couldnt decide if this feature would be implemented, or even if it was appropriate. Its wasnt added into Elite Force though and didnt seem to make much difference to the gameplay. As of yet though we still *officially* dont know :(......this one interests me greatly though

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Yes, if it's done well, put it in. It can make some encounters a bit more challenging. However, it shouldn't intrude too much...you shouldn't be reloading that often because the capacity of the weapons should be quite high, I think. If it's not put in, I don't think it would bother me too much, though. ;)

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You can't give an option for reloading. Because the point of reload is to put a limitation on the player, giving the player a vulnerability for others to exploit. It's suppose to add depth to a firefight, but the fact is, you would only use the reload option if everyone else has to also, because it puts you in a disadvantage. So if you have a reload option, mp games will have to be separated into even more camps, so not only do you have the saber only, no force allowed, etc. You have to refine it down even more to whether reload is required. I think that's getting a little too nitpicky don't you think? Why don't we put in an option for whether you're allow to use various color of light sabers?

Personally, I am against reloading. Yes, it does add a little depth, but you need to look at it in the context of the game. In games like rainbow six, there's no question, because you use real weapons, with real rounds. And with weapons like those, each round counts, because you get hit once, you die. So reload becomes more important when factoring into strategy.

In Star Wars, your blasters are energy weapons, and they really shouldn't peter out after 20 rounds. But if your blaster holds like 80 to 100 rounds, and you can pretty much go through any firefight without havign to worry about reload, then what's the point. It's more annoying to have to worry about reloading before every confrontation, and reloading after spending 5 rounds, just to make sure you can unload your entire clip on the next encounter. It's truly, truly annoying. I admit, once you get use to it, it's not so bad, but I believe it's truly pointless. And if they do make blaster only with 30 round clips, I'd be incredibly pissed, to have to reload 3 times to get through a room of storm troopers. I think the way it is now in JK is just fine.

If anything, restrict the amount of ammo that can be picked up. Forcing players to aim better before shooting instead of just holding the fire button while running, and that'll help keep players from using nothing but concussion rifles and so on. I am all for making every shot count, but I am totally against having to introduce an artificial vulnerability just so players have to learn to deal with it.

I think if the saber fighting is as good as the previews say, i.e. simple to learn, hard to master, there'll be plenty of strategy to satisfy any duelist, without having to accomodate for having to reload.

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I agree

I mentioned that of the option just to make everyone play as they wish

But I also prefer the game without reloading

JK played fine without it


and a good force saberist didnt have much trouble killing a gunner, thers no real need for reloading

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Guest Letalis

I don't like comparing with CS, because CS and JK are complete different, and always will be.


However, reloading could be a significant feature, I'd prefer to not have it, i think it's more Star Warsy that way.


As for my comparison, some guy is covering a hall/passage with an awp, you come down it, he shoots, misses, you have time, whilst he reloads, or cocks the next shell, to find cover or belt him one. I know it's only a single scenario, but it's a frequent one.


Having said that, neither Terrorist nor Counter-Terrorist can use the Force now, can they?


I say scrap reloading, let CS be CS, and JK, JK. :)

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Forcing players to aim better before shooting instead of just holding the fire button while running, and that'll help keep players from using nothing but concussion rifles and so on.


Dirth Vedar, if thats how you think JK mp games are won, you probably haven't won many of them. ;)


When you're playing any good gunner who has strong aim, you have to make sure every shot counts or your dead.


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Originally posted by Dirth Vedar

You can't give an option for reloading. Because the point of reload is to put a limitation on the player, giving the player a vulnerability for others to exploit. It's suppose to add depth to a firefight, but the fact is, you would only use the reload option if everyone else has to also, because it puts you in a disadvantage. So if you have a reload option, mp games will have to be separated into even more camps, so not only do you have the saber only, no force allowed, etc. You have to refine it down even more to whether reload is required. I think that's getting a little too nitpicky don't you think? Why don't we put in an option for whether you're allow to use various color of light sabers?


You raise some very good points, and most of that I agree with. But then again, part of me still says that it's all about options. After all, Counter-Strike had options like friendly fire on/off and Quake engine games tend to be highly modifiable anyway, with the ability to toggle weapons stay and what not to alter the balance of the game.


I agree that an option for reloading might be a bit much for MP, but it could certainly be something you could toggle on/off in SP. Remember that SP and MP are quite different games and need to be balanced in different ways. If Elite Force is anything to go by, we could well see two games run from different .exe files with quite different weapons balancing etc.


I'm not really convinced either way at the moment, but I do believe it's something worth thinking about, as it can have a significant effect on the gameplay dynamics.

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Originally posted by ed_silvergun

If Elite Force is anything to go by, we could well see two games run from different .exe files with quite different weapons balancing etc.


I downloaded the demo the other day and noticed this

why two exes?

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One for multiplayer and one for single. Same with RTCW.


I think reloading would be a welcome change, for me at least. I really don't want a JK clone, here. One way of implementing it would be for the high-power weapons to need reloading. A concussion rifle, for example, would hold 5-10 round clips, making the user reload frequently. Or having to reload the rail gun after every shot, and make the rails go faster to even it out. Perhaps make the repeater have 50 round clips.


I'm all for change, if it's done well.

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Originally posted by OnlyOneCanoli

One way of implementing it would be for the high-power weapons to need reloading. A concussion rifle, for example, would hold 5-10 round clips, making the user reload frequently. Or having to reload the rail gun after every shot, and make the rails go faster to even it out. Perhaps make the repeater have 50 round clips.


That sounds very reasonable to me. I mentioned something about limiting the fire of the conc. a long time ago, I think. Anyway, I agree that fast-repeating weapons and heavy weapons should require reloads just to even things out a little.


Of course, as digl said, it should remain an option that can be switched on and off, particularly for MP.

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One for multiplayer and one for single

I know that Canoli, Im asking why it is this way

Maybe in RtCW because they were developed by two different companies, but why EF has two exes?


Reloading for the conc and rail sounds very good

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Perhaps they did it that way to stop a load of SP baggage being loaded into memory, to optimise the speed. I guess someone from Raven would have to answer that question. :confused:




SP needs extra stuff for all the Scripting of NPC's & I think the Models were slightly different as MP didn't need all the scripted actions for the NPC's or as many animations. (very likely wrong as my memory ain't that good)


I shall now try and sumon one who should know ;)








"SCOTCH is a girls drink !"




Damn it's Sunday MRJ might turn up though you never know :p



p.s. I'm kidding about Girls drink bit :)

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