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Top <insert number> films you want to see in the cinema soon


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so what films do you want to see in the cinema??

post here and tell the world..


(post asked for by Jake) talk to him if you dont like it


Someone should make a "Top <insert number> spooky obsession anticipation hyped up i'm a fanboy potentially good upcoming movies you're looking forward to" thread


but thread subjects cant be that long!



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OK, no one is making these movies (that I know of) but with CGI at the level it is, these are movies that could be done well...


I would like to see an adaption of:

Elfquest --by Richard and Wendi Pini

Another fine Myth -- by Robert Aspirin

Sandman -- by Neil Gaiman

Good Omens -- also by Neil Gaiman


...because I'm a ...yadda yadda ...obsessed ...yadda yadda fanboy .....yadda yadda ... burn hollywood down if not done soon...ooops I've said too much

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Well now....


"The Marshalls Of Revelation" which is Favreau and Vaughn's potential new movie. (meaning it hasn't even started filming)


"The Red Dragon" - could be interesting to see if they can improve on "Manhunter". "The Red Dragon" was always my favourite book in the Lecter series.


... and that's all I can think of. I'm sure there's more.

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Originally posted by remio

Well now....


"The Marshalls Of Revelation" which is Favreau and Vaughn's potential new movie. (meaning it hasn't even started filming)


"The Red Dragon" - could be interesting to see if they can improve on "Manhunter". "The Red Dragon" was always my favourite book in the Lecter series.


... and that's all I can think of. I'm sure there's more.


*throws a hardcover copy of RED DRAGON at Remi-O* Manhunter is my favorate movie out of Manhunter, The Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal! I think it was magnificent (then again so were the other two), I plan to read the books sometime to.



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OHH, OHH, GUYS!! In Hannibal when the itialian detective is at his computer and logs in to view the FBI's 10 most wanted... the screen zooms in on Usama Bin Laden before moving down on a few others and revealing Hannibal Lecter.


I just thought you guys sould know, and didn't know where else to put it, what an up-to-date movie!



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Ok here we go (in no particular order)....


-Star Wars: Episodes VII, VIII, and IX: The Timothy Zahn "Heir to the Empire" Trilogy :thrawn:

-Ghostbusters 3 (Ain't gonna happen)

-Back to the Future sequel/prequel

-Indy 4

-The Goonies 2

-Aliens 5 :D

-Gremlins 3

-Jurassic Park 4 (make up for crappy JP3)

-Wargames 2.0

-Batman Prequel


-The Black Hole 2

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I will only post movies that are possibilities. A monkey island movie would suck unless it had an extremely comical edge (* scabb awaits abuse)


Lord Of the Rings, Of Course :)

Spiderman (Or has that been fully cancelled)

Daredevil, and all the other crappy Marvel Comics Movies

erm...The Simpsons Movie (they say it WILL happen at some point)

......and the latest Pokemon Movie where he captures a new pokemon and wins and I learn lots of morals like friendship :D

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Originally posted by scabb

Lord Of the Rings, Of Course :)



I saw Fellowship of the Rings this afternoon,

and it was excellent.

Very well made,

and a lot closer to the book than I thought it would be.


Also, considering the high expectations I had of it,

it met them quite well.


I still love the Ralph Bakshi animated version though.

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