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My next game...


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Originally posted by Ten-Forward

I am leaning towards Empire Earth...mainly becuase of promised addons in future...Maybe i'll just get both and stop whining...


Now you're talking!


I for one budget myself 1 new game every 2 months. I allow myself to buy older, "bargain rack" games in between times if they are a good deal (e.g. I grabbed Quake 2 for $9 at Best Buy a few weeks ago). Lots of the older games are, in fact, quite fun, and so the bargain rack is often well worth it.


Since I bought GB just 2 weeks ago, it'll be Jan before I go looking again... EE is on my short list, though there are a few others also on it.

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Guest BountyHunter

Promised add ons? :rolleyess




I have a bridge in Brooklyn and some land in Florida I can sell ya.


If all it took to sell games were promised add ons then we'd all be broke.


:boushh: - {waves hand} You will buy SWGB. You will love SWGB.


Ten-Forward- "I will buy SWGB, I love SWGB"

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Unless you like Star Wars

Unless you didn't get AoK 2


I think those are two VERY good reasons...Here's another...

You may want to buy a game YOUR COMPUTER CAN HANDLE!!!


and another...

Empire Earth has a bad tendency to crash to the desktop VERY often...especially on low-end computers (meaning anything below 1.0 Ghz procesor)


look another one!!!

Ewoks, Jawas, Tusken Raiders, TIE Defenders, etc...

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Unless you like Star Wars

Unless you didn't get AoK 2




I will add:


Unless you liked AoK a lot, but got tired of the units and strategies, and therefore *wanted* an AoK like game, but with a fresh new twist.


After all, that's what GB basically is: AoK with a fresh new twist. As that's what I have been looking for a while, and as Star Wars is about the best "theme" I can think of, I'm thoroughly satisfied with GB, and have had many, many hours of game play enjoying it. Contrary to being "bored" because it was too similar to AoK, I found that the similarity depressed the learning curve to almost nothing, while the differences and variety (air units, Jedi knights, etc) made me excited in the game all over again.


May the Force be with you.

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Guest w0rMs3r

I dont know...you people are saying 3d rts are ****ty and all...but what about Warcraft III?thats comin out real soon..is that gonna be ****ty?

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