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What's ur school/major

Guest SlashAndBurn

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Guest SlashAndBurn

All this talk about finals and midterms has getten me thinking...what schools to people go to and what course of study/majors are you taking.


I go to Rhode Island College and am Majoring in secondary education/history(high school history teacher) and minoring in Computer science).

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i go to north shore high school on long island, NY


i hope to go to columbia, georgetown, duke, or princeton (hopefully)


i'm currently in 10th grade


this raises a question:

which of these are most important in order of increasing importance?


-being ranked in the top 2% in your class

-having SAT scores above 1500

-in-depth music study (outside school)


-extracirricular academic clubs (eg philosophy club, SGO, mathleets, ect)


how should each of these priorities be ranked? i get different answers from people

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I go to homeschool. I don't even need to leave my house to get there!


I'm in 12th grade, not doing any lessons. Just studying for this damn GED test for some damn piece of damn paper that'll probably get me a damn job that I don't want in the damn first place.



I'm also taking an A+ Certification course for computers. I'm halfway through this huge book, after i'm done with it, i'll read Network+ which teaches me about networking computers.


Who needs college when you got the books right at home, and aren't pressured to study your brain out? Reason why I'm not going to college:


I don't want to take any classes that are not necessary, once I get that A+ Certification paper, i'll be feared and respect'd be everyone!


My first job that I'll get is putting computers together. I refuse to get any job that forces me to wear a darned uniform, if i can't wear what I want, then screw it. :D

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I'm at Virginia Tech in aerospace engineering (junior year). Yesterday I got advanced math for engineers+control and virbations on vehicle+computational methods with matlab as finals...and today I passed thin-walled structures and the worst of it...principles of economics aaarrrgggg.....enjoy !

Only one more final in aero on thursday and YEEAAAAAAHHHH HOOLLLLIIIIDDAAAYYYYSSSSS AT LAST !

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Originally posted by Wraith 9

well i go to the Deltion College department Graphics and i study to be a IT-media producer... :D :D.. but i guess there only about 5 people here who know what im talking about :D :D


And one of those five knows it better than the rest.


I study the same at the same school.

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Well, I am probably leaning towards aerospace engineering, working on stealth technology, plaen designs, plane testing and flying. I probably want to go into Air Force Reserve. I am also considering Special operations, probably the hostage rescue team if I go for anything. Always liked secret agent stuff :D

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Well I don't wanna go to any of the major Colleges in Arizona..


TIP FOR ALL YOU COLLEGE WANNABES: Don't go to the University of Arizona unless you plan to play basketball or stay in Medical School and get a doctorates degree..


I wanna go to UCLA cause my mom went there, and its in my birthplae of LA.. However I wanna go to Stanford because Its more my style, with people who are my intelligence..

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I'm in 10th grade right now at school named Providence. I want to go to Virginia Tech and double major in Business and Computer engineering/programming. If i don't get a scholarship to Va Tech (which i hope that i could get easily) i would choose UNC, and my brother already goes there and my sister might.

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