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Natty i apologize. Read..

Admiral Casaba the 3rd

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Originally posted by Admiral Casaba the 3rd

well i'm sorry that i yelled at you in the first place. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings and i know your born that way so there is nothing you can do. But i don't want you to get the impression i'm a bad guy. So let's start over again shall we?



is this a joke?

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I'm still trying to figure out where he got the idea I'm a gay man? *looks confused* Maybe I should have a sex change- would that make me a gay man? I'd still be attracted to males


Maybe I should go to bed- lack of sleeeeeeeep me tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired, can't sleep, whooooooooo


OK- bed time

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well i dreamed that i moved to australia and i brought all my friends from NY with me....the house was next to yours........then niko and fender and feral all decided to move to australia too (we lived in the same house, like the whole real world house thingy)


yep, that was the dream..........

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haven't bene ehr for a while but there is a little bit of confusion. See i thought natty was a man because natty sound like nat and nat's a boy's name. Also there was the gay banners and flowers next to his name. So i got confused. and thats where i was talking about this homophobic stuff. So let me get this right...

your a woman? from what i understand but how can u be gay . Are u a lez? and if you are a lez then your really have a nice personality then compared to the lez's i'v seen

i hope this clears the confusion a little bit and i wasn't being sarcastic just being me

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Originally posted by Admiral Casaba the 3rd

ok take that back.I understand EVERYTHING NOW! ok your straight you have a bf and you are a girl.Ok got it. that is all. Now you can post up as many smilies and rainbows you want because now i know you are not a boy.

--- Casaba


Yes, as we all know the Admiral here is the authority on what can or cannot be posted. (plz.)

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